H: I can cook you something, what do you like?

R: Anything, pasta?

H: Pasta with..

"You're still here?" Victoria made me jump walking into the locker room.

"Yeah I got distracted," I laugh it off. "See you tomorrow," I smile locking my locker and heading out.

R: Surprise me, I love all pasta sauces

H: What about dessert? Cake or icecream?

R: Icecream is good

H: Sorted. When are you free?

R: Erm, tomorrow I work 9-3 so I could do the evening..

I cringed. Why did I suggest tomorrow? How eager do I sound? I roll my eyes as I make it out to the car park. We'd only met today.

R: Every day next week I'm on a 8-4 shift so I'm free in the evenings then too

I felt like I'd saved myself a little, throwing my phone in my bag before starting my car and making my way home.

The second I pulled up I checked my phone, my heart sinking at the thought that he'd maybe been put off with my forward text.

H: I can pick you up tomorrow around 4? That gives you time to get home and change?

My heart fluttered.

R: 4 is great

I sent my address along with the text. Each time I had expected him to react a certain way he's surprised me every time.

"That's a very large smile on your face,"

I look up at my mum. "Huh?"

"Good day?"

I nod taking out some biscuits from the cupboard. "Really good. Where's Tilly?" I ask opening up my text field with her.

"She went out about two hours ago," Mum notes. "But I don't know where she's swan off to."

"Okay," I say distracted as I text her.

"Dinner in half an hour." She calls as I make my way upstairs.

"Okay, thanks." I call back shutting my door and throwing my bag down.

I felt a little childish to still be living at home with my parents, but Tilly is engaged and still does so not that bad. I'd had a savings account for years where I've stored money for me moving out but with the shitty inflation and homes in London costing a ridiculous amount I haven't yet found anywhere suitable to move into.

R: Tilly, WHERE ARE U?!?!

T: I'm on my way home, this tube is taking forever. What's the emergency?

R: You are going to want to hear what i have to tell you. HURRY

T: Am i going to be excited?

R: Very.

T: What does it involve?

R: Just get home asap

The second Tilly came through the door I dragged her into my room and filled her in on every single detail from the day.

"Fuck me," She whispered, she looked as if she was struggling to take it all in, a little like me really.

"Can you believe this?" I laugh. "Yesterday I was stood up by twat of the century, today I've got a date with Harry fucking Styles."

"How.. I just.. I thought he was seeing someone?"

I shrug. "Well, I don't know but obviously not. He's invited me round to his personally. Surely a guy like him who has his business everywhere wouldn't invite me round if he was with someone? He knows I could find that out- what are you doing?" I frown watching her type in his name on her phone.

I looked away whilst she scrolled down Google. I didn't want to know in all honesty, I was in too much of a good mood to think about anything else.

"He's not with anyone, there hasn't been reports in months. Seven to be exact, just talk but no solid evidence of anyone. You're in the clear."

I roll my eyes. "Thank you but like I said, he's a decent guy."

"That you've known for a day. I have to check these things,"

I sigh. "But you've checked them now and he's not trying to play me so can you be happy for me?"

"I am happy for you, just doing my sister duty. More importantly, what are you going to wear?"

My eyes widen. "I hadn't even thought about that,"

"Didn't think so," Tilly laughs opening my wardrobe door.

Out of the two of us, Tilly was definitely the more fashion conscious one. She went through phases at school whereas I just had the ugly duckling phase until I was seventeen. I have never really put a lot of thought into my image, not until I worked at Selfridge's where your appearance is half of the package for customers shopping there. 'Good appearance sells' Karen would drill it into me, checking my nails and lipstick, tutting at a ladder in my tights and fixing my hair.

"Do you own anything.. sexy?" Tilly frowned sifting through the hangers of clothes.

"I have work clothes, gym clothes and casual clothes. Oh and like three dresses for occasions. But nothing sexy. I don't want to be sexy anyway,"

Tilly rolled her eyes. "You have a good body, a great body in fact. Why go to the gym and work on it and not show it off? Give me a second." She left my room and I changed into my pyjamas. Or should I say a oversized t-shirt I'd bought in the mens section of a H&M sale and some jogging bottoms.

Walking back into my room, Tilly held a number of hangers. "Right, this." She held up a red bodycon knee length dress, it had a slight V that would show off a little cleavage. "It's simple, sexy and you can wear some cute heels."

I shake my head. "It's dinner at his, not The Shard."

"Okay, this." She held up a blue dress with a silk strip under the bust.

"I repeat, it's at his. Not Claridge's."

Tilly rolled her eyes. "This?"

My eyes lit up at the black dress. It was just what I liked. "I have the perfect shoes," I look under my bed and find the black embellished heels.

Holding them up, Tilly nods. "Yes. No necklace just earrings. Hair in a low pony." She instructed.

I nod.

"And makeup, a smokey eye nothing dramatic like a cat flick."

"I can't do either," I laugh. Usually I put on mascara, highlight and whatever lipstick I feel suits.

"I'll do your makeup."

"All this for a dinner." I joke.

"It's all about making good impressions Rubes,"

"I kind of guessed I'd already done that when he asked for my number.."

"But he saw you in your work mode. He needs to get to know you." She hangs up my dress for me.

"Yeah, that's what I'm scared of." I mutter looking down at the heels.

To Be Loved // h.sUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum