Objective 6: Surprise!!

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I looked at the line of photos and picked the last one with a small smile, and a few moments later I was walking out being properly introduced to agent Storm Symmerson one of few top ranking G.I.L agents in the galaxy. He looked so serious as the commander in charge gave him the update, that I was now his new partner. Storm showed me to my room and I glanced around walking in.

There was a bed in the corner a desk across from it and a closet on the opposite wall. I walked over to the chest that sat at the end of the bed and I opened it finding a list of things I could get in the store when it opened free of charge.

"So Agent Storm ready to start working tomorrow?" I asked looking at him a hand on my hip and a small smile."

"Ms. Zaylon, not to be rude but I'd rather work alone and I'm already on a case so if you can't wait then find someone else who will." He had an edge to his voice that sounded annoyed and the facial expressions said the same. I just shook my head lightly.

"I don't mind waiting another day I've already waited over three hundred years, what's one more." I didn't let it get to me that I couldn't work on mine, but it was worth it seeing as it only annoyed him more before he put his fingers to the bridge of his nose, collecting himself and leaving without another word. I moved to the dresser and saw shorts and a shirt and I change into them going to sleep.


I woke to the sound of someone knocking at my door. I got out of bed got dressed in my cloths from the night before and quickly grabbed the card walking out to greet Storm, who still looked annoyed about last night. We went over to the elevate and after last night I learned that the G.I.L I was at wasn't just any HQ it was the main one. It's multi-story build didn't just hold the main office it also stored it's own mall for their agents, a living quarters, and then the intergalactic trading room and interrogation cells and the higher ranking stuff.

The elevator dinging implying we reached the floor and stepped out. I grinned from ear to ear, Storm however was the complete opposite with a mopping frown and a gloomy aura. He followed me to the first store I grabbed a few thing here and a few things there off racks, but stopped seeing a wall of backpacks, I didn't think I could grin any bigger but I did and I picked out a few of the same one and two of the same of another. It only took a half hour and we were out and I was carrying my bags to the next store, stopping when Storm got out of sight. I turned and looked at him with a light shake of my head. "You know you didn't have to come along I don't need a babysitter."

"I came because after this we need to get going." He crossing his arms not looking amused. I rolled my eyes and continued on till I was at the next store by some more cloths and shoes and accessories, then to the next for some books and weapons. After an hour and a half I was back at my room putting my bags on my bed and walking back out I took my one of my new weapons with me letting him lead the way.


The quietness was unbearable so I looked around the cruise car and then the file of papers wedged between the center console and the seat. Taking them out slowly so he doesn't notice I opened it up and started looking at it's contents. As I read I hadn't realized I had gone into detective mode and was spreading the papers out so I could connect the pieces.

"What are you doing with that?!" He questioned in alarm slamming on the brakes he quickly gathered the papers, and took them putting it in the other side of his seat so I couldn't get to them again.

I huffed slightly giving him a narrowed eye glare, but I quickly gathered myself and gave a soft smile. "Well I was just looking and I realized something but I didn't have time to confirm it before you took it." I gave a shrug setting back in my seat before resuming. "But I'll just keep what I did find to myself since you want to be a big boy and figure it out all on your own." I had looked forward out the car. I couldn't see him but I could feel his eyes burning into the side of my head, before I heard his head hit the steering wheel and a sign of anger and frustration escape him.

Mission RebootNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ