The Growing Feelings

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Alec went to the library for the rest of the week but couldn't find Magnus there. Today's the third time he went there to see Magnus with the excuse none other than borrowing a few books and doing his assignments, but Magnus wasn't there and he sighed internally.

He was about to head out for he had no more assignment to do and Magnus wasn't there, so he practically had no reason to be in the library, but he paused and looked back over his shoulder at the front desk. There's a girl there, and Alec was sure she was doing the shift in place of Magnus' for a reason he didn't know.

Alec decided to go ask the girl that he was sure named Catharina; he overheard Magnus called her name once or twice. He walked slowly to the front desk and looked at Catharina, who was busy typing something on the computer, not yet acknowledging his presence. Alec coughed awkwardly to get her attention, and she looked up at him wide eyed.

"Oh! Sorry, I didn't see you there." said Catharina then saved whatever she was typing to the database. She examined Alec and noticed that he didn't carry any books in his hands, she frowned. "How can I help you?"

"I...uh," Alec battled with himself internally, should he ask her? Should he not?

Catharina waited for Alec's response, in the meantime thinking that she recognized him from somewhere... 'Oh! Right, Magnus.' she thought and couldn't help but let out a little smile, remembering how much her best friend had talked about the boy she was talking to at the moment.

"Is Magnus here?" Alec asked her carefully, eyeing a door behind her with a sign read 'staff only'.

She sighed quietly and shook her head. "He's on sick leave." said Catharina gloomily, knowing that it wasn't the actual reason.

"Oh... okay." Alec muttered with a frown. "Thank you." he continued and turned to leave.

Catharina could see the disappointment all over Alec's demeanor and clicked her tongue. She couldn't let the boy who made her best friend smile again after going through his problems with a certain someone walked away like a kicked puppy.

"Do you want to leave a message for him? I could help you with that." she offered as Alec stopped in his tracks, turning around to look at her.

Alec realized that he didn't even have Magnus' number, not to mention know him at all. He fixed his glasses and bit his lips, considering the offer. But what would he say to her? To tell Magnus that he had been looking for him like a maniac stalker for these past days? No thank you.

"It's fine," he decided to decline Catharina's offer and headed out of the library, disappointed for not meeting the beautiful man he had been crushing on.


The next week, Alec went to the library as usual to do his assignments as a cover-up to see Magnus. He found Magnus there, sitting behind the front desk as he talked to someone who was returning some books. Alec smiled upon finding out that Magnus would be in the library for the day, but he frowned when he noticed that something is wrong with his expression. He looked...sad.

After that person left, Alec sucked in a breath and made his way to sign in the front desk computer and cast a glace at Magnus, who hadn't notice him yet.

"Are you okay?" asked Alec quietly as he typed his student ID on the keyboard.

Magnus looked up at Alec, surprised, and then offered him a small smile. "Alexander...hi! Oh, and I'm okay. Why do you ask?"

"Um..." Alec furrowed his brows at him, his smile didn't seem as bright as the one Alec used to daydream about, there's a hint of sadness behind it.

Alec opened his mouth to say something, but thought that he had no right to be asking Magnus about his personal life.

"It's nothing, sorry..." he added, thinking that he had offended Magnus. He offered Magnus a small smile and made his way to the corner of the library, not waiting to hear Magnus' response. He's afraid Magnus might tell him to back off and to stop bothering him.

As if reading Alec's mind, Magnus called him out, "Hey, it's okay." he said as Alec turned to look at him, hinting that Alec didn't bother him at all with a smile, a sincere one.

Alec blushed and nodded, returning the smile and made his way to the book shelves.


After he finished some of his assignments, Alec made his way to the front desk, bringing some books he needed for his other assignments which's due the next week, he's got an OCD for finishing his assignments ahead of time.

Alec immediately spotted Magnus who looked busy texting someone. He smiled and placed the books carefully on the desk. He faked a small cough to get Magnus' attention.

"Hey, Magnus." said Alec, and Magnus looked up from his phone and smiled at him, which made his heart flutter.

"All done?" asked Magnus as he took the books and checked them.

"Uh...not really...umm...I gotta finish the assignments at my dorm." Alec mumbled as he eyed Magnus, who's focused on scanning the barcode of the books. He tried to bit back a smile, he couldn't help it, looking at Magnus always made him felt bubbly all over. Seeing him sad caused the same impact, not a happy one.

"Hmm...okay. Here you go." Magnus tapped the books and handed it to Alec, who purposely touched his hand in the process. He chuckled at Alec's obviousness.

"Thanks." Alec's smile didn't falter one bit as he shoved the books inside his backpack. "See you, Magnus." he mumbled and was about to leave when he thought of something.

Magnus raised an eyebrow at Alec, waiting for him to spill out whatever's on his mind.

"Umm, Magnus?" Alec mumbled with hesitation, and Magnus pursed his lips, waiting for him to speak. "Uh...would you...umm..."

"Would I...?" said Magnus, encouraging Alec to finish his sentence.

Alec's heart raced faster than a train and he fought to breathe, it's hard for him talking to Magnus with him looking so interested. Why would Magnus be interested in him anyway? Alec thought as he exhaled a heavy breath.

"Would you like to..uh...go out sometimes? For a drink?" Alec managed to finish his sentence and held his breath, waiting for Magnus' response.

Magnus stared at Alec's blue eyes, smiling sweetly as he tried to stifle a chuckle. He just couldn't get over the way Alec was talking to him. He was so tense in a ridiculously endearing way which made Magnus' heart clenched.

"I would love to do that." said Magnus, his face began to hurt from all the smiling.

Alec mentally did a happy dance and his nervous demeanor changed to a smile that made Magnus' heart raced even more. He might need a doctor, Alec's bad for his heart condition.

"Okay...uh..." Alec pulled out his phone, "Can I...uh...have your number?" he muttered awkwardly.

Magnus chuckled and nodded as he took Alec's phone and dialed his number. He felt happy and forgot his problem instantly. That could wait. He wondered why he felt this way. It's amazing how Alec, who he didn't actually know personally, could affect him this much.

Magnus' phone vibrated next to a pile of books on the desk and he picked it up. "I'm usually free on the weekends." he told Alec as he saved his number.

Alec nodded, smiling at his phone, "See you, Magnus." he muttered happily.

"See you, Alexander." Magnus replied as he placed his phone on the desk, eyes not leaving Alec's.

Alec looked at his shoes, trying to stop smiling. Maybe if he looked somewhere else, the smile would stop? He couldn't feel his face from too much smiling, but it didn't stop. The fact that Magnus had given him his number caused Alec to smile like an idiot. He shook his head and looked up at Magnus, giving him a small nod and turned on his heels.

Magnus watched as Alec made his way out, stumbling on air a few times, which made him chuckle.

"He's adorable." mumbled Magnus whilst shaking his head.

End of Part 4

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