The Library

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Magnus was a library assistant, a very stylish and fabulous one at that. He's a final-year student who's currently working on his bachelor thesis so he's got no more classes this semester. He figured being a staff at the library would ease him to work on his researches needed to complete the thesis, so there he was.

He's currently sitting behind the library's front desk. His shift took place at the literature section, which was on the second floor of the library. His shift had been a quiet one, the library was usually quiet, but it's not that. There were only a few people that came into the library today. He sighed and flipped a page of a book he's currently reading. He's bored out of his mind.

The sound of the door being opened caught Magnus' attention and he gently placed the book he was reading on the desk. He still got three more hours to finish his shift and close the library.

Magnus raised an eyebrow upon seeing the person entering the room. He almost immediately recognized the disheveled ink-black locks the moment that guy approached a computer next to the front desk to sign in to the library. It's the band aid guy that run into him a few days ago, Magnus thought as a smile crept up on the corners of his lips.

He noted that the band aid guy appeared to be avoiding eye contact with everyone-including him-as he made his way to the farthest corner in the library. He wanted go over there and made a conversation with the cute guy, but couldn't exactly leave the front desk. Working in a half-assed manner is not in his dictionary.

Magnus spent hours in the library, reading at the front desk, sometimes assisted Catharina gathering, sorting, and shelving books. He found himself spotting the band aid guy's fluffy tousled black hair way too many times during his shift and he wondered why.


Fifteen minutes left until Magnus' shift end, he watched as Catharina stretched her slender limbs next to him.

"These books gave me cramps, ugh." she grumbled, massaging her sore nape.

"Patience, my dear. Fifteen more minutes and we can all go home." Magnus said with a small smile, encouraging his best friend.

Their conversation was interrupted by someone approaching the front desk. Magnus knew who exactly it was; he was the only person-aside from Magnus and Catharina-that hadn't left the library,

Catharina told Magnus something about not to forget checking in and out the books, and save the library log in records in the university database as she made her way to the staff room, checking the returned books. Magnus smiled and waved her off.

One corner of Magnus' lips curled up as he watched the band aid guy approached the front desk, carrying some thick, hard covered books in one hand. He still didn't make eye contact with Magnus, so he took the initiative.

"How may I help you?" Magnus asked.

Magnus knew he didn't need to ask, it's obvious that the guy's borrowing some books. Magnus did ask only to get his attention. Usually he wouldn't mind having a conversation with people without making eye contact during his shift, but the guy's blue eyes were an exception. Magnus felt the need to look at those stunning orbs again for a reason that even he himself couldn't explain.

He noticed the guy's eyes widened behind his glasses as if he just realized something, and his head shot up so fast that Magnus felt concerned about the tendons in his neck.

Their eyes met and Magnus felt something fluttered in his chest. Magnus looked at him, amused for his jumpy reaction then smiled and chuckled.

"I'm Magnus. I don't think we've been formally introduced?" Magnus introduced himself with his best smile.

The guy blushed and went still for a good half minute, staring at Magnus. He couldn't look away from Magnus and he didn't know why.

"Alec." he managed to say his name.

So his name was Alec, Magnus thought, still smiling.


Alec was so mesmerized by Magnus' smile that he didn't realize he was staring at him like a malfunctioned robot.

Magnus chuckled and Alec snapped out of his trance, feeling creeped out at himself for staring at Magnus like that.

"I, uh, I'm... uh, these..." Alec stuttered, he couldn't find a coherent sentence to say to the attractive guy in front of him and his face was flushed red.

He almost dropped the books and Magnus reflexively tried to catch the books as well. Their hands touched and Alec's heart jumped, so did Magnus'.

"I'm b-borrowing these... uh... books." Alec stuttered even more and was as red as a tomato.

"Right, the books." Magnus gently took the books from him and scanned the barcodes. He typed something on the keyboard and printed the slip. He ripped the slip off of the machine and handed it to Alec, along with the books.

Alec took the books from Magnus, unconsciously trying to touch Magnus' soft delicate fingers again, which he did, then he pulled away instantly out of embarrassment.

"Um... thank you, uh, Magnus." Alec stammered out with a smile, enjoying the feeling of saying Magnus' name from his own mouth.

Magnus's heart jumped at the sound of Alec saying his name, not to mention the sight of his brilliant blue eyes through his thick glasses as he smiled at him. Magnus bit his lips and kept smiling while Alec unconsciously stared at him, again.

"You're welcome, Alexander." he said and Alec's breath hitched.

Magnus furrowed his eyebrows. "Alec, it's the short for Alexander, isn't it?" he added as Alec's mouth hung open, too stunned after hearing Magnus saying his full name plus his usual nickname all at once.

Alec just nodded.

"Can I call you Alexander then?" Magnus asked, amused by Alec's oddly endearing reaction.

Alec nodded again.

"Right, Alexander. I'd love to continue talking to you, but I need to close the library, like, right now," he told Alec and gestured to the clock hanging on the wall behind him. "And my friend back there needs my help finishing our shifts." he added and smiled at Alec apologetically.

"Right, uh, sorry for um, taking up your time." Alec stuttered and smiled sheepishly.

Magnus chuckled and smiled at Alec, amused by his timid behavior. "It's alright, Alexander." he said.

"Alright, uh, see you, Magnus." Alec mumbled and gave Magnus a beautiful smile before he headed out of the library, leaving Magnus intoxicated with the after effect of his smile.

End of Part 2

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