The Band Aid

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Alec's a big time nerd and obviously a gay unicorn. He's just transferred to his current university, thanks to his parents for being promoted and having to be transferred from their previous working place.

It's his first day in this new academic environment and he obviously didn't know his way around here, thanks to his loving siblings for ditching him about an hour ago as soon as they entered the front gate of their new university. He had been walking around aimlessly for the past hour; thank the university's maze-like structure for that.

He sighed and looked down on a map at the back of the university's brochure. Yes, he carried that thing around, unlike Jace and Isabelle who thought that the brochure is just an irrelevant thing handed out as formalities to the new students.

"By the Angel, where am I?" Alec mumbled to himself as he stared through his thick glasses into the map, if it had a soul, it would surely be terrified by how intense Alec had been staring at it.

While Alec was busy trying to burn the map with his intense stare, he bumped into a guy-really hard-and he let out a startled yelp as his behind collided with the cold hard concrete. He winced and was about to stand up when he realized the blurry vision of his surrounding.

"My glasses..." Alec mumbled to no one in particular and reached out his hand around him, trying to find the thing that aided his bad eyesight.

He realized that the guy he had run into was still there with him, and looked up through his long lashes despite his blurry vision.

"Sorry..." Alec mumbled to that person and continued to feel around the pavement for his glasses.

That guy handed Alec his glasses, which was now split in two pieces between the two lenses. Alec sighed in frustration, not only he got lost, now he broke his glasses? Seriously?

Alec, who was still sitting on the pavement, rummaged through his backpack. He pulled out a band aid and wrapped it around the broken frame in between the lenses. His mom's going to be angry at him for breaking the fourth glasses in only a week.

Alec put on his glasses and noticed the guy holding out his hand to help him. He took the guy's hand and stood up, patting the dust off of his pants afterwards.

"Sorry for bumping into you, I was texting my friend." the guy said with a sheepish smile. "I'm Ragnor, by the way." he added.

"Me too, I wasn't paying attention to my surrounding, and I'm Alec." he shook Ragnor's hand and slung his backpack on then nodded. "Um, can you show me where this building is?" Alec asked Ragnor after he picked up the brochure that had fallen on the ground, flipping it around and pointing at the map.

Ragnor leaned down to take a closer look at the map, squinting his eyes. "You see that building over there?" He pointed at a distant eight-story-building, "That's it." He added as Alec followed the direction of his hand.

"Thanks." Alec mumbled as he fixed the loose glasses that was sliding down the bridge of his nose.

Ragnor nodded and patted Alec's back, "Yeah, sorry for the glasses." He said and waved as Alec walked away.


Alec made it to the building that Ragnor was pointing at, but he had a new problem. He couldn't find his class. He considered burning the half-crumpled map in his grip at the moment, like literally.

"Great, just great." Alec grumbled under his breath.

He could've asked the direction at least to someone among the mass of students passing through the hallways, but being Alec, he couldn't bring himself to do that. Starting a conversation with a stranger wasn't his cup of tea. He sighed when he couldn't find his class through the whole floor and decided to enter the elevator.

Alec was busy roaming around the next hallway on the third floor of the building, looking at the classes' room numbers, when he bumped into someone again.

It was his glasses that fell onto the tiled floor this time, followed by a shattering sound that echoed through the empty hallway. Alec winced at the sound, as if he could feel the pain his glasses went through.

The person he bumped into let out an irritated grumble and balanced himself while looking at Alec scrambling for his glasses on the floor. He wanted to tell Alec off for bumping into him but paused when he saw Alec's blue eyes, mesmerized by them.

"Um, I'm sorry..." Alec, through his blurry sight, apologized quietly and looked down, trying to fix his glasses with another band aid.

He watched Alec in amusement and laughed a lovely laugh. Who in the glitter fix their glasses with a band aid? Only cartoon characters did that!

Alec's attention was immediately drawn to the guy's lovely laughter. He wore his half-assed fixed glasses hurriedly and looked at him as his laugh subsided. Alec blushed as he took in the guy's features, he couldn't look away because he's captivated by the guy's beautiful smile.

"Um, I'm-I'm so sorry. Uh, I gotta go." Alec stuttered and smiled sheepishly as he turned on his heels, his cheeks burning red out of embarrassment and something else.

The guy shook his head, still smiling as he watched Alec run off.

They both felt a spark in their chests, but still oblivious toward it.

End of Part 1

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