• Part 25 •

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I woke up in my bed. How did I get here? I look flabbergasted around me. I see no one so I decide to go to the bathroom. My head hurts like hell so I try to find a aspirin. Where the hell are they when you need it?! "Can you find it?" I give a small scream and look behind me. It's just Noa. "Jesus Noa, you scared me like hell." I said. "And no, I can't find it." And sign. Noa walks to me and find in a second the aspirin, how? I swear I looked at that place for like ten times. Magic. Noa give it to me with a big smile. "Yeah, secretly I have magic." She said whispering. "What?" I said not knowing what she mean. "You was thinking out loud" and start to giggle. "Again?" "Yes, again" and she walked away.

I took the aspirin in with some water and walked back to my bed. I sit on my bed and think about what happened before I fell asleep. All the memories came back and I put my hands on my stomach. I have a baby, I thought. My head begins to spin about what will happen next. Great, my aspirin doesn't work. I get up and walk to my suitcase to get some clothes. Put some mascara on and walk to the small kitchen. I am still a little bit sick but not as before.

I make some tea for Noa and I and walk to the couch. I want to sit down when suddenly someone is hitting on the door. "Amy! Open the door!" I look scared at the door. Noa came to the room where I was and look at me and asked me what's going on. "I have no idea." I said flabbergasted. "Amy!" Yelled that person again. I look back at Noa with a scared face. She walks to the door and open it. I hear loud footsteps coming closer. I look up and saw who it was, it was Michael. "Is it true?!" He screamed. I look with a question face at him. "I heard Ash and Luke talking with each other and heard something about that you are pregnant!" He screamed at me and came closer.

I was scared, I never seen him like this before. "I-I... uhm" I don't know how to say it. "It's true" I said with tears in my eyes and looked down. Michael walk to me and grab my shoulders. "Please, tell me this isn't true" he said sad. I look in his eyes and saw no emotion. "It is" I said and swallow loudly. Noa came to us and put her hand on his shoulder. "Michael, it's better that you go" she said, not sure what to do. "No I want to know who the father is" he said dark. I look at Noa, maybe she can help me, but she look at me with the same question look. "I-I don't know" I said, I can't tell him about Ash or this whole tour will be ruined because of me.

"You don't know?!" He said loud, maybe to loud. Now it was me who became angry. "Yes Michael, I don't know, I was drunk" I yelled at him back. He look first surprised at my loud voice but not for long. "And if you didn't kissed that girl, I won't be so stupid!" I screamed at him. Noa is still flabbergasted about what happened. Tears are streaming down my cheek.

for a second I thought I saw emotion in his eyes, but I think I was wrong because when I walked away to the door he said "you're walking away like a ordinary slut". I stand still for a second before I heard a loud clap. I look behind me and saw Noa hit Michael. I turned back and run outside the hotel, crying. This is all my fault. I run down the street and can barely see anymore because of all my tears.

I never run this fast and it really feels good. I go faster and faster until I can't anymore. I stop by a really big tree to catch my breath. Why is this happening to me? How can he say that to me? I know that I was wrong, but he was it too! My last tears are gone and now I am just a empty body sitting on the ground against the big tree.

My thoughts are killing me, what will be going to happened next, am I keeping this baby? Shall I run away? Go back to them?

One thing is sure, I can't hold this baby. First, I am to young and second, it's not from Mikey.  I put my head in my hands and close my eyes. After a few minutes I grab my phone and see allot of calls and messages. Everyone tried to call me, but one message catches my eye.

"Mikey: I'm sorry..." 

does he really mean this? Is he really sorry about what he said? I can't just forgive him about what he said. I go to Ashton private message and send him what I am going to do with the baby.

Me: I decide to do an abortion

I close the app and call Noa.  "Amy, where the hell are you" she said worried. "Noa.... I decide that I am going home" I said soft. "W-what?" "I decide that I going to do abortion and live on my own, in about two, maybe three, weeks you guys will have a break and come back home. So if I got back to the hotel I will pack my suitcase and take the first flight back home" I said and hang up. It was 7PM so if I go now I will be at time for my flight.

Lets go home.

Holla people, did you like this part?
Amy is going to do a abortion and living on her own. Do you think she choice the right way?
See you next Tuesday xx

Xxxxx A&N

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