Jealousy Will Drive You Mad

Start from the beginning


As the day continues the entire hero class can't seem to focus. Surprisingly Mr. Aizawa can't either. Ten minutes into class he says today will be a free day. Since what happened everyone has been quiet. That includes Kacchan. He's separated himself from everyone and won't talk at all. Uraraka comes over and sits into a desk next to me. Since no one can speak normally she whispers to me.

"Izuku... how's my best friend? Is she alright?"
"She has huge burn scars...... at first I thought it was only her arms... but her lower abdomen was burnt too..."

Uraraka hears this and starts to tear up a bit. She nods her head while thanking me for telling her and she goes to her desk. I excuse myself from the classroom and head to the court yard. I find Y/n and I'd tree and I start to cry. I cry until I can't anymore and sit there in sadness. As I sit there alone I hear footsteps and someone sit next to me. I look over and it's All Might. He ruffles my hair trying to cheer me up but I can't seem to smile. He lets a sigh out tries to talk to me.

"Kid, Y/n is s strong girl. It's only a few burns and you should know she can handle that. Especially with you by her side. Be there for her and I can guarantee she would be the happiest person on earth."

I can only nod my head as a few more tears manage to escape my eyes.

"And remember kid, it's not like she died, okay? She's still here with you."

I think about those words and start to laugh at my silliness. He's right, it's not like she died. I look up and see All Might there with his arms open.

"C'mere kiddo"

I wipe my eyes and hug my idol while thanking him repeatedly. He keeps his big grin on and pats my head. I let go of him and start running. Where? To Y/n. I need to be there for her, just like All Might said.

~mini time skip~

As is get to Y/n breathlessly I pull over a chair and sit next to her as I've done before. I start to talk to myself.

Y/n why are you always getting hurt? You really need to put yourself before me... I hate seeing you get injured because I can't do anything. Maybe I might avoid you for a bit... I feel as if I only bring you bad luck now a days...

I look at her arms and see pinkish colored scars. I'm so sorry she had ringer those because of me. If she just let me take the punch I would have those and her flawless skin wouldn't have gotten damaged. But what am I saying, she's always been flawless to me. Even what she thinks are flaws, just make her perfect. From her little confidence, and her urge to always to do the right thing. As I sit there I hear the door open and see a worried Todoroki-kun.

"Todoroki-kun? Why are you here?"
"To check on my little Y/n. I should've protected her from that Katsuki. I feel I've failed as a big brother figure..."
"It's my fault anyway, Y/n only got hurt because I'm too much of a coward to stand up for myself..."

Y/n shifts a bit and Todoroki-kun and I watch her. She looks at me.

"Izu, Sho-san, its nobody's but my own fault. So I don't want anyone getting down on themselves."

Kacchan walks into the room with a sad and guilty expression.

"And that includes you Bakugo. Even though you tried to punch Izuku I don't want you getting down on yourself."
"Y/n...... I'm so sorry....."

Kacchan walks over to her and sh only smiles. He looks at her arms and then you can only see more guilt wash over him. He turns away and covers his face with his hands.

"I'm such as damn prick. No wonder I can't get you to like me... I wouldn't like me either, I can finally see that now..."
"Bakugo, I'll agree, you can be a bit of a prick. But I want you to own that, and be the cocky friend I know, the one that still cares but knows he's the best. Okay?"

There she goes. Cheering up people like it's nothing. She's so kind, even to those who have injured her. Better yet though she's understanding as she is calm. It's impossible sometimes to think that she's not an angel. I look back at Kacchan and he nods his head while being quiet. He then walks out leaving Todoroki-kun and I.

"Y/n, I'm glad you are alright. But are your arms feeling okay?"
"They feel kinda sore and burn a bit, but what else would you expect? They are burns
Sho-san! I guess you could say we kinda match now!"

She chuckles a bit but I can see in her eyes that she's actually really sad right now, she looks vulnerable. Todoroki-kun sees the way I'm looking at her and dismisses himself. I'm left alone with Y/n and I can see her struggling to keep a smile.

"Y-Y/n, you can l-let your emotions out now... I'm here to be y-your support"
"Thanks Izu..."

Her face drops as soon as I say that.

"S-so, do you want to talk a-about it?"
"Well, I'm a-all ears."
"Izu, I don't know how I really feel about these scars... in afraid people will look at my funny. I know I should try and own them like Shoto dies but I'm not as confident as him..."
"Y-Y/n, would you like to hear m-my input?"
"W-well, I think w-with or without t-the scars you are s-still amazing... and i-in more ways than one..."
"Thanks for saying that Izu."

She smiles while seeming to feel a little bit better. I just sit there half blushing due to me complimenting her.

"If y-you can, want m-me to take you home?"
"That would be great Izu."

I get the okay from Recovery Girl and start to help Y/n from the bed. Before she can go down to pick up her items I take them.

"I can carry my stuff Izu."
"No, let m-me be helpful. Y-you already took a hit that h-had my name on it for m-me."

She sighs and gives a small okay. I walk with her all the way to her house and help her out. At some point I call my mom and let her know I'll be staying with Y/n because of her burns. My mom decides she'll come by and drop off extra clothing for me since I still have school tomorrow. After getting my stuff I make Y/n dinner and help her around the house. When she goes to take a shower I help her as much as I can without seeing anything. When she prepares for bed I make sure to re-bandage her and make her comfortable.

"Thank you Izu... even though you say I'm always the one taking damage you're the one always taking care of me. I really do appreciate it."

I nod my head and tell her goodnight. I grab a few blankets and a pillow for myself and go to the couch. I can only hope she heals in time.

(2073 words)
AN: Hi people! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and just so you know the title of the chapter is based off of a movie's lines. I figured something dramatic should take place but nothing super over the top. I also noticed I keep making you, the poor reader get injured! Hopefully I'll just have a few more fluffy chapters so you can finally heal up. Anyways let me know if mistakes you don't understand and I'll try to fix them! Thanks for reading!

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