After about 10 minutes of trying to get her to stay still long enough i was done. I carried her out into the kitchen and mum looked aimlessly at me. “BIANCA WHAT ARE YOU DOING? YOU SHOULD BE DRESSED BY NOW. AND ZAYN, GO GET READY!” I smiled at Zayn, “See you soon?” He asked and i nodded putting Lux into her highchair. I went and put on my nicest clothes. I had my ballet flats, my shorts and a singlet with my jacket. I threw my hair into a loose side pony tail and put my headband in. I chucked on a bit of mascara and headed out to mum. “You ready?” She asked then stopped and stared at me. “You look beautiful.” I smiled shyly and laughed. “Naww thanks mum.”

We all met in the lobby and the boys said their good mornings. “So how are you fitting in?” Harry came over and asked me. “Good thanks. I still can’t believe it all.” He laughed and put his hand on my shoulder. “Get ready then...” he said and winked and walked away. I stood there confused then i saw Zayn walking towards me. I smiled and he came and stood next to me. “You look really nice today.” He smiled and i looked at myself and smiled. “Thanks...” I mumbled. “So are you guys rehearsing for tonight or what?” I looked over that my Mother who was gathering a heap of bags together, Niall had hold of Lux. “Yeah, we are doing the sound check and everything.” He looked me in the eyes and i quickly looked away, then back again. “What?” I asked him and he went kind of shy. “Nothing. It’s just your eyes. There so beautiful...” I felt my cheeks go red but i was saved by Paul. “Alright guys, huddle together.” I had no idea what was about to happen. We were rushed towards the back door. There were almost 7 massive security guards and they engulfed the boys and hurried them to the black vans. Then i was hurried along as well. I could hear the girls screaming. My world was spinning. I tried to find Mum and Lux but my view was blocked by the black suits. I was pushed into the seat, and then i saw Mum and Lux already seated. “What was that?” I asked, my ears still ringing from the screams. “I know it’s overwhelming at first, but you get used to it sweetie, I promise.” I looked out the window as we hurried away.

When we got to arena, we pulled into an underground car park. This time it wasn’t as rushed. “Bianca, help me carry these bags in.” I looked at her. “WHY on earth do you carry all this stuff around?” she laughed and picked up to smaller bags. “It’s easier to bring everything i need to the rehearsals, otherwise i would have to bring it through all the pandemonium tonight.” She walked off, and i walked the small suitcase into the arena. It was huge; and when i say huge i mean it! I helped my mum set her things up and then she grabbed my hand. “Let’s go watch ‘the boys’ shall we? She laughed and winked at me. I felt my heart start to race. It had been a dream of mine to see them live, and now i was; but i hadn’t even spent a cent. She quickly walked through the arena and brought me out onto the floor. I saw the boys having their earpieces fitted. She sat down on a chair and i did the same. I was fixated. “Bianca...? Are you ok?” i quickly looked at her and smiled. “This is so amazing.” She laughed and before i knew it i heard the music start up for What Makes You Beautiful. “OH MY GOD I LOVE THIS SONG!” I jumped up and started belting out the words. I finally felt free. I hadn’t felt this good in a long time. I was waving my arms around and i felt totally in the moment. I saw my mum laughing at me. I looked at Zayn when he started to sing his part, and he was looking directly at me. I looked away then slowly back at him. He smiled and winked and kept singing. When they finished i screamed and jumped up and down. Untill i realised i wasn’t actually at a concert. I looked at them all, and slowly sat down. “Oh My God, Did i just do that?” I asked and my mum nodded and laughed.

Chapter 4:

After about 2 hours of rehearsals they boys headed to their dressing rooms to wind down. I told mum i was going to have a look around so she left me alone. I walked aimlessly up the corridors and wondered how many of my favourite singers had touched the floor i was walking on. Then something caught my eye. It was a small window. I walked towards it when i heard someone coming up behind me. I turned around and jumped. “ZAYN!” I said quickly and he laughed. “Hey, i saw you dancing earlier.” I went all shy and turned around. “Oh... Great.” I mumbled. He grabbed my hand and i looked up into his eyes. I never noticed how tall he was, but then again i was quite short for my age. “Come with me.” He whispered and i felt like i had been put into a trance. I did as he said and let him guide me through the corridors into his dressing room.

He left me standing in the middle of the room as he closed the door. “This place is, AWESOME!” I said and he laughed. “So... You guys were really great today.” I said as i put my hands into my pockets and walked around the room looking at everything. “Really? Thanks. I hope the fans enjoy it as much as you did.” I felt my cheeks go hot and i laughed, trying to relieve the tension. “I bet they will love every single second of it. You guys really know how to put on a killer show.” I looked at the picture stuck on the corner of the mirror. “That’s my mum.” He said and i turned around but he was right behind me. I shifted back a little. I didn’t know what to do. It was obvious i was attracted to him and i couldn’t tell if he was attracted to me. “She looks really nice.” I said as i casually walked around him towards the chair he came from. “She is. I bet she’d love you too.” Was he trying to say something? I sat down and smiled. Then the door burst open. I quickly stood up and saw my mother looking at me. “Oh, I’m sorry to ‘interrupt’ the two of you. Too-da-loo” She winked at me and left again. I shrugged my shoulders and looked at Zayn. He had a confused and shy expression on his face. “She is so trying to get us together.” I mumbled and he looked over at me, his eyes were hypnotic. “What?” I said, but he didn’t answer, instead he slowly walked towards me smiling. “Would that be such a bad thing?” He finally said. I felt my heart race and i stood backwards, running into the wall. “I dunno...” I finally blurted out, my words getting tied together. Was this really happening? Was this some kind of cruel dream and i was about to wake up? “Can we see?” He stopped right in front of me and placed his hands on the wall beside my head. I could feel his breath on my neck. My breaths got shorter as i looked up into his eyes. He slowly became closer to my face. “Do you mind?” He whispered, his lips inches from my own. I closed my eyes and suddenly felt his warm lips on mine. They were tangy but inviting. I pushed me into the wall, his lips still on mine. I moved my head back and he looked at me. I looked at him and he smiled, his hands still placed on the wall. “I’m sorry...” I quickly said and ducked under his arms and headed outside. “Bianca, wait!” I heard him say, but i was already half way down the corridor.

I found a small balcony and ducked outside. I sat down against the wall, my hand over my mouth. Did that just happen? I KISSED Zayn Malik, no HE KISSED ME! My heart was pounding in my chest, my hands were shaking. I closed my eyes and put my head against the wall. I heard the door creak open and i jumped. It was Zayn. He looked worried and he came and sat in front on me. “Bianca...? I’m sorry. I didn’t mean too...” I cut him off. “No, don’t be.” I half smiled and he relaxed. He moved closer and i felt my emotions going crazy all over again. “Was that as good for you as it was for me?” He asked quietly and i looked at the ground and smiled. “Why do you always look away when i speak to you?” He asked, he put his hand on my chin and lifted my head up. “I... I don’t know. I guess no one has ever spoken to me that way before.” He smiled that smile that made me melt. “Well, can i ask you something?” He tilted his head to the side and i laughed. “I guess?” He ran his finger down my jaw line. “Can i kiss you again?” I looked at my hands then back at him. I nodded. He put his hand on my neck and pulled me slowly closer. His lips touched mine and i closed my eyes. I didn’t know where to put my hands so i placed them on the ground. His hand was warm on my neck, his lips were forceful, but angel like at the same time. He slowly pulled away and looked at me. His big brown eyes full of lust. “Wow...” he mumbled and i giggled like a school girl and bit my lip. He brushed the hair out of my face and put it behind my ear. “You’re beautiful.” He said sweetly. I smirked and he grabbed my hand. “Don’t ever doubt that.”

If Looks Could Kill (One Direction Fanfic (: )Where stories live. Discover now