"We're all stuck maybe if I close your gates and open them again you can take care of this thing." Lucy tried to close the gates of her friends,but wasn't able to avail. "It looks like the spell blocks out all magic output." Loke was struggling to close his gate along with Virgo. Lucy looked up and saw that the monster was standing directly over her. Fear flodded her system as it's beady red eyes stared at her. The monsters hand shot back and landed on Lucy causing the impact to send her flying backwards.

Lucy flew backwards getting her back cut by tree branches. She was finally stopped by a large rock. Her back hit the rock causing her to cry out loudly. Lucy couldn't feel her legs and her back stung. Lucy could feel that she had completely drained of all of her magic. "Miss are you ok!?" A man ran up to Lucy and kneeled down in front of her. "No please I need a doctor." Lucy was sobbing and the man ran to get help. Lucy tried to move her legs,but all feeling had disappeared. Lucy had a letter lacrima in her pocket. She always carried one in case of emergency and this was one. She opened it up and pushed record.

(Time skip)
Next day At the guild

"Hey everybody we're home!" Natsu's voice boomed throughout the guild. Everyone turned towards them and greeted the returning team. The four walked up to a table and sat down. Many guild mates came over to hear their story of victory,but as Levy walked over a man walked in the guild. "Excuse me I have a letter from Lucy Heartfilia addressed to the Fairy Tail guild." Master came down from his office and took the letter, "Thank you young man."
The man nodded his head and left. Master looked at the letter with a puzzled look. 'Why would she send us a letter?' Master was stuck in his thoughts until Natsu spoke up. "Aren't ya going to open it gramps?" Master nodded his head and opened the letter up. An image of a beaten and bruised Lucy appeared that caused the guild to gasp and murmur. "Quiet brats she's about to speak?" Master's voice instantly quieted the whole place and the Lucy talked.

"Hey guys... so if you're watching this I'm currently in the hospital. On my mission I had beaten forty-nine monsters,but the 50th got me." Lucy's voice was hoarse and tears were rolling down her face from time to time. Her guild mates responded in sobs or worried looks. Lucy continued after having a coughing fit where she had coughed up blood. "The monster had cast a spell that temporarily blocked out all outputs of magic and movement. Before I knew it the monster was standing over me and he hit me. I went flying through the forest and hit my back on a rock and now... I think I might be paralyzed from the waist down." Lucy's tears began to fall as hard as did her fellow guild mates. "I should be fine though someone is going to get me some help and this village has an excellent hospital. So please don't worry I'll be home soon.." The image of Lucy smiled and then disappeared and the whole guild just stood there. After about ten seconds almost everyone had broken out into a quiet sob.

Time skip next day at the guild

"We have to go see her!" Natsu was sitting at a table with his team and they were all startled by his sudden outburst. "She's probably still in surgery or sleeping flame brain." Natsu growled at Gray, "You wanna go ice princess!" Natsu growled at Gray."Enough you brats! Lucy is recovering in the hospital this is no time for childish actions." Master Makarov created a silence throughout the guild that was so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

"Happy let's go." "Aye." A sad Happy and Natsu left the guild and headed west. "Nastu where are you going?" Erza shouted standing up from the table they were at."I can just barley make out Lucy's scent so we're going to follow it."Natsu kept walking straight in silence determined to find his partner. "Natsu get back here!" Erza yelled,but he continued to walk determined to stay by his partners side even if she was unconscious.

After forty-five minutes of walking they arrived at a town. "Lets go Lucy's here I can smell her." Natsu began to run following Lucy's scent. Natsu and happy arrived in front of a building with a Red Cross on it. "Is she in there?" Happy looked at the building with sadness in his eyes. "Yeah let's go." The two walked in and stopped at the front desk. "Hi I'm here to see Lucy Heartfilia." "Ok sir what's  your affiliation with her?" The lady was writing down something on a paper. "I'm a family member." "May I see your guild mark then." (A/n:This I a spoiler so don't read if you haven't made it past the Tenrou island/seven year gap arc.) Since Lucy's dad has past away she changed her family to anyone bearing the Fairy Tail guild mark. "She's in room 26,but please be aware that she might still be asleep. She had to have five separate surgeries for the injuries she sustained." Natsu and Happy nodded their heads and began to walk down the hallway.

"So this is it." "Yeah..." Nastu was hesitant to open the door in fear of how bad his partner might look. He shook the bad thoughts from his mind and opened the door. Lucy was there laying in her bed sleeping silently ,but slowly began to regain consciousness when she heard the door. "Natsu,Happy?" Lucy said sleepily . "Lucy!" Happy flew to the bed and into her arms. "We were so worried." Happy cried into her chest and Lucy smiled at the kind gesture."I missed you too." Lucy was still laying down and lightly stroking Happy's head. "Hey Lucy how ya feeling?" Natsu pulled up a chair to her bedside and sat down. "I'm fine just a little sore. Can you help me sit up my arms are still weak." Nastu nodded his hand and helped Lucy up gently. "So five surgeries?" "Yeah I had a lot of internal bleeding and they had to reset my spine as well as my legs. I have a scar on my waist now that looks exactly like yours though." Lucy lifted up her shirt to show her twinning scar. "So how long will you recovery take?" "They said I could go home in a few days,but I'll have to have someone from Fairy Tail help me out with most things until I regain my arm strength." Nastu looked at her with a sad look, "You'll still be able to hang out with Natsu and I right?" Happy looked up at Lucy sadly, "Of course Natsu will just have to push me around in a wheel chair." Lucy gave Happy a reassuring smile and Happy smiled back. "What about missions and adventures you can still go those with us too right?" Lucy's smile faded into a sad look. "I won't be able to do that I'm sorry Natsu." "You can still use magic though." "Yeah,but I'd just be a dead weight since I'm handicap now,plus enemies would just aim for me first." Natsu looked down with sadness in his eyes. "I'm sorry Natsu..." "It's fine it was dumb question anyway." "There is a slight chance I could go on missions with you guys again." Natsu lifted his head and smiled brightly. "Really?" "Yeah,but the surgery is really risky and could leave me paralyzed forever or I just have to let my spine heal and pray." Natsu's smile faded a little bit. "Oh what do you wanna do?"

"To be honest I'd rather pray." Happy and Natsu looked at Lucy and smiled, "Then we'll pray with you." Lucy smiled at Natsu's words.

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