Chapter 6

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I couldn't believe it. The Dragon escaped from me. I looked at my spear and I was looking at Skyla's totem. 

It reminds me and given me the courage I needed to get revenge on that Razorwhip for killing my siblings, the only family I had left. 

I walked through the cave I was above yesterday, as I was stunned to see that there is nothing in sight. 

But when I enter, I saw scorch marks, resembles of fresh plasma blasts, which could mean that a Night Fury was here along with that Razorwhip.

As I exited the cave, I noticed a Skrill and Nadder gazing at me. 

The Nadder motions the Dragon to leave as fast as possible. The Dragon obeys and left me knowing that tracking these Dragons aren't going to be easy as it seems.


As Skyla woken up from the cave, I decided to make the journey to Dragon's Den a little more fun.

I run as fast I can, as the Razorwhip struggles behind me. 

"You know, Kid, you're a fast runner than I am." 

I rolled my eyes at her, "Well, I am a Night Fury after all. And I told you, the name is Hiccup." 

Skyla ignore me as she continues walking. 

"You know, we can at least enjoy ourselves on this journey, Skyla. 

There's a lot of things we can do!"

As we continued, I saw how much Skyla was struggling. So I decided to helped her with the basic stuff of a dragon usually do. 

I see of how interested and admiring of what she is capable of, which felt like I was being with a older sister figure. 

I smiled at her. 


I learn a lot of being a dragon less than a day, with Hiccup's help. 

I was actually enjoying myself, like Hiccup suggested and we were laughing as we continue on our destination.

Hiccup taught me how to catch fish, walk properly, even taught me to defend and fly on my own wings.

As we walked, I noticed Heather and Dagur approaching towards us with scared and sweating looks.

"How it is going, Dragon Girl?" Dagur asks, hiding behind me.

"And small Night fury?" Heather asks, "I didn't know that you had a younger brother. He seems cute."

 I said, "Uh, he's not really-" 

Heather said, "We have a problem in our claws. There's a Hunter. We figured we can hang out with you guys." 

Dagur said, agreeing with his sister, "Yeah, and you guys could blast him!" 

I said, "You guys, Hiccup and I escaped the Hunter back under the glacier." 

Dagur said, "Well, what you think that he wouldn't follow those?"

I turned as Hiccup did, and I knew that the Skrill had a point. Eric wouldn't rest until he found us.

That's when an idea hit me. When Ryic, Eric and I were little, we used to make snowboarding contests.

"Ok, this is fun and weird." Hiccup said.

Soon every dragon wanted to try it. 

As the night goes on, Hiccup and sat on a hillside to get some rest.

Hiccup saw the night lights which was the Great Spirits of Valhalla.

"Whoa, check it out! It's the Night rainbow, you can see the Great Spirits from here." He said, which had stunned me of how a young dragon knows about the Great Spirits of Valhalla.

"Wait, you know about the Great Spirits?" I ask the young Night fury.

"Yeah, my father is up there, and my grandparents." The dragon replies as I listen.

"For me, my dad wants me to be respect for the Great Spirits because that he told me that they make all the changes in the world. 

I wanted to respect his wishes." 

"I get it! You know, for a change... it's best that left things alone." 

The Night fury was confused of what I meant by that statement.

"Skyla, I don't understand. What you mean?"

I sigh, that I knew that I have to let my misery out about Ryic's death.

"My older brother is a Spirit. If it wasn't for him... I wouldn't be here." I explained, as I close my wings behind me.

Hiccup ask, "I didn't know you had a brother. What happened to him?"

I replied, "He was killed by a dra-... by a Monster." 

The Night fury walks towards my side and gently asks, "What was your brother's name?"

I sighed with sadness in my eyes, "Ryic." 

Then the dragon gazes into the night sky and smiles.

He said, "Thank you, Ryic. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't met Skyla." 

I was surprised by his words. 

I never thought of respecting the Great Spirit like he does.

As Hiccup begins to fall asleep, he said, "I always wanted a sister." 

I looked at the young Night Fury and then I too feel asleep as I thought about what I going through. 

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