Chapter 4

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I groaned as I opened my eyes. 

As I opened them, my eyesight became much sharper than before. 

I was in the side of the river and Gothi was there who seemed to be relief that I was actually awake now.

"So, Skyla, you finally awoke from that ride down that ravine. 

It must've took a toll on you huh?"

I ask, "Ooh, Gothi?" 

I sat straight up, rubbing my head from the ravine.

That's when I realize that I have to tell the Elder what happened to me.

"Gothi, you wouldn't believe what happened last night! I was standing on this mountain when all of a sudden-" 


As I saw that Skyla was talking to me, I only hears roars from her, which I knew that she couldn't understand the human language.

I said, "Skyla, sweetheart! I don't speak Dragon." 

The Razorwhip looks confused as she looks at her refection. 


Wait, did she say, "Dragon?" 

I look at my reflection and with pure shock that I wasn't a human anymore! 

I start to panic as I suddenly blast fire from my mouth, unleashing a white light. 

I run around as I continue looking at my new body then Gothi said, 

"Skyla, sweetheart, it was your brother, Ryic did this to you." 

I was stunned. Ryic did this to me?

Gothi examines me with curious stare. 

"Strange, the Spirits of Valhalla don't usually do this type of transformations before. 

You'll learn a lot from a whole different perspective on things!" 

Then she smacks me with her stick.

"Ok, Skyla, you got yourself into this fiasco. If you want to change, take up with your brother's spirit." 

I was confused of what she meant. 

"You will find him within the lights touch the Mountain. Ryic will help you of what you done wrong." 

I said, "How will I know what I done wrong, Gothi?"

Suddenly , I noticed she disappears without giving me any instructions!

I said, "I don't know exactly where to start looking." 

I begin to walk on my four legs, which is odd for me, since I don't know how dragons walk. 

I tripped over myself as one of the Terrible Terrors were arguing.

"You honestly took our fish?" 

"It's not here, someone stole it!" 

I gasped, "Hey, you two just talked!" 

The young dragons fled away from me.

Before I knew it, my journey as a dragon was just the beginning.

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