Chapter 1: Jimin Sees You

Start from the beginning

"I-I-" you heard your voice for the first time. It was eerie. Almost a contained echo laced within a whisper. Brows furrowing over how weird it sounded, you were about to finish your realization.

There was a scream.

You shifted around so quick. It felt weird not gasping for air when you were scared. You felt nothing, nothing at all. Not even a heart beat in your chest, your fingertips were frozen and aching to be reach some sort of warmth. But you knew you couldn't find any because of what was happening.

Wide eyes meeting chaos that suddenly erupted, the streets that were once silent were now being mowed with large cars, flashes of camera, and news anchors that even you weren't familiar with. This occurred, bombarding of questioning and mobbing occurred, along with the screaming and crying of some fans when looking right at you.

Widened eyes were harsher in surprise as you rocked on your heel and pointed at yourself. "You can see me?" you asked, yelling and having your weird echo of a voice crack again.

Nothing. No response. Just screams in horror.

Glancing over at security and some staff that ran out of the building and towards the tour bus suddenly, you watched as all stood breathless, eyes shocked when staring right as you as well. It took you a minute to see that the teary eyes, the shock, and the ill-faces of some of the sensitive crowd was thrown of my you. But not the you that was standing.

You slowly glanced over to the body that was ripped a part of stuck to the tire. You wished to have your stomach drop and feel something but you couldn't. You felt nothing.

"They can't see you," you whispered to yourself, disgusted by your own remains as you looked back at the faces that stared at you. You let the realization slip past your mind and out your mouth.

"I'm dead." Your voice was stable.


"She's dead?" His voice was far from being stable.

The shocked eyes of seven boys is what was seen. They were all horrified along with being taunted by the possibility that the bump that they felt coming from the arena and escaping the crowd wasn't a speed bump. It was a human. It was once of their fans...

Jimin's eyes softened, his heart sinking. Feeling ashamed for going back to his porn almost right after he had felt the bump, there was a sickness within him. Did he regret watching it? No. Did he regret pausing it and evaluating the situation more? Yes. That he wished he had done.

"They've rushed her to the hospital...whatever is left of her," BangPD said, eyes widened and unable to believe the footage that he saw. There was footage of you dying. Hazy, barely clear, but what could be seen was the tire swallowing you up and eating away at your flesh. "They haven't announced her death to the public but we've received calls that its true. She's dead."

Taehyung ran out, crying and throwing up as he slapped his hand to his mouth instantly. Hoseok rushed after him, feeling teary eyed himself as he worriedly wished to see if the idol was okay. Jungkook held tears in his eyes as well, and Jin was there to block away his eyes when things got overly gruesome. Yoongi, well, Yoongi tried to claim the video to be shut when seeing how badly it affected him and the members around him. But it took a while to shut. BangPD stared, in awe, as he listened to the screams. It wasn't until Namjoon whispered, "That's enough sir." The video and uproar was shut temporarily and shielded from their vision.

Jimin's soft voice clouded everyone's ears.

"What was the fan's name?"


"Y/N!" you screamed at the top of your lungs, laughing.

You screamed louder than ever and no one looked at your weirdly. No judgment, no stares. It was just you and the new abilities that you tried your hardest to capture without failing miserably. "IT IS I, Y/N THE RULER OF ALL YOU PEASANTS."

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