Chapter 9: I Fight Lyon

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"Ahhh!" I jolted awake screaming. I was on the train home. Juvia was beside me trying to calm me down as an angry Lyon sat across from us.

"We contacted the guild and Wendy said she would be waiting at the train station to heal you!" Juvia exclaimed with a sympathetic smile. "But until then you'll be in pain." She added sadly. I put my hand on her shoulder and as I did so Lyon jerked towards me in anger looking ready to pounce. This made me happy.

"It's alright Juvia, as long as your here!" I replied looking half at Juvia half at Lyon.

"We're almost home!" Erza yelled as she shoved Natsu on the floor.

"What was that for!?" Natsu asked as he sickly laid on the ground.

"You had fallen asleep." Erza explained. "We are 10 minutes away from home." She added. Natsu wanted to say more but his sickness was preventing him from speaking.

"Hey Juvia," Lyon grabbed Juvia's attention away from me. "Why don't you sit next to me?" He asked.

"But Erza's strawberry cakes are taking up the seats beside you." She answered him.

"We can just move them." Lyon replied as he started moving the cake. That was a big mistake.

"NO!" Juvia yelled, but it was too late.

"WHY ARE YOU TOUCHING MY STRAWBERRY CAKES!!!" Erza yelled as she lunged forward and tackled him to the ground.

"Eeeeekkkk!!" Lyon squealed.

"We're here!" Lucy said as she pealed Natsu of the floor. Just like Erza had said, Wendy was sitting with Carla and Happy on a bench in the train station.

"Hello Wendy!" Juvia greeted as she pointed to Erza who was helping me out of the train.

"Oh Gray! I'm so glad to see you!" Wendy stated as she ran to my side.

"No Wendy, I'm glad to see you." I replied. After that it only took a few minutes and a magic spell before I was good as new. "Thank you so much Wendy!"

"You're welcome!" She replied with a big smile. I looked over at Juvia who was walking beside Lyon. He tried to grab her hand and hold it but she shoved her hand in her pocket before he could. When we got to the guild I sat down at one of the tables with Erza and Lucy. Everyone was bustling like normal but something was off. I couldn't place it but something wasn't right.

"Gray, how are you feeling?" Juvia asked me as she sat down with Lyon at our table.

"I'm feeling better, thanks for asking." I answered with a smile. Lyon glared at me then looked angrily at Juvia.

"Yeah, yeah! He got hurt, so what!? You don't have to ignore me!" Lyon yelled in anger.

"I'm not ignoring you I just wanted to see if he was alright! He almost died you know!?" She yelled back at she got up and stormed out of the guild hall.

"Juvia..I.." Lyon drifted off as she was out of sight.

"Good job Lyon! Now Juvia's upset!" I grumbled as I got up from my seat. I have to go make Juvia feel better! It kills me to see her upset like this. As I walked out of the guild I saw Juvia sitting by the river, in tears. "Juvia, I don't mean to bother you but--" I was cut off by Juvia engulfing me in a hug. She was crying into my chest. We didn't say anything for a while but I knew I did my job.

"Thank you Gray. I needed that." Juvia smiled at me but her smile quickly faded. I looked behind me to see an angry Lyon storming towards me so I stood up.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!?" Lyon yelled at me as he pushed me back.

"I'm helping your girlfriend who you upset!" I yelled back.

"That's my job, okay!? I don't need your help!" Lyon screamed, pushing me again.

"It sure looked like you did! You made your girlfriend cry!" I angrily replied. Someone like him doesn't deserve Juvia, she deserves someone who will love her unconditionally! Lyon was getting ready to punch me. At this point the whole guild was out here watching.

"Lyon, stop!" Juvia yelled as she grabbed his arm. When she did this he threw her to the ground. Now he's crossed the line! Hurt me, fine! But hurt Juvia, he's going to pay!

"ICE MAKE EAGLE!!" Lyon yelled as he used his hand to make the spell. I was able to dodge.

"ICE MAKE LANCE!!" I yelled as I thrust the attack at Lyon, he dodged as well.

"ICE MAKE SNOW DRAGON!!" Lyon screamed as a giant ice dragon was flying towards me ready to crush me. I had to think quickly.

"ICE MAKE PRISON!" I yelled as I back flipped over the creature creating a cage around it.

"STOP, PLEASE!" Juvia screamed at Lyon as he readied his next attack. Lyon ignored her and lunged at me with his 'ice make lion' attack. His fist was engulfed in ice that resembled a lion.

"ICE MAKE SHEI--" My spell was cut off by Lyon punching me right in the face with his lion fist. "Ahhh!" I grunted as I flew backwards and rolled to a stop.

"GRAY-SAMA!!!" Juvia screamed, as soon as she realized what she had said she covered her mouth.

"What!?" Lyon and I both said in unison. The entire guild was shocked.

"Uh..I-I.." She stuttered as she struggled to find words.

"What did you say!?" Lyon yelled in anger as Juvia started to quiver. He grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her to her feet. I ran over and ripped his arm off of hers.

"Hurt her and your dead." I said in complete seriousness as I started right into his eyes.

"You couldn't kill me if you tried!" Lyon spit back. I glared into his eyes even harder.

"P-please! Stop! I-I can explain!" Juvia exclaimed as she pulled us apart.

Sorry for the somewhat short chapter! Next chapter is the last one!! 😞 I'm going to be sad once it's done! Thank you guys so, so much for almost 200 reads! It's absolutely incredible! Also, my friend JadynEve12 is just starting a Fairytail fanfiction so go check it out!!


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