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The race scene was packed and pretty much up for grabs from anyone with deep enough pockets or luck on their side as they passed up their pink slips to their cars. Zack held both cash and his slip in his hand as he weaved through the masses to find the holder for the race.

Letty, his main objective, sat atop her car with no a care in the world as she skimmed the crowd.

He turned just as she found her gaze passing over him not noticing the dark hair as he moved through the crowd. Zack found the holder for the race with Letty and smirked as he saw that there were two pink slips and a load of cash in his hands as he stood waiting for more participants. He and some other unlucky fellow were up against Letty.

Taking a deep breath, he handed over his portion and went back over to his car for the ride that could possibly change his life.

"Didn't I kill you?", she asked in surprise making the harsh reality of it seem laughable.

"Do I look dead?", Zack taunted revving his engine go show that he came to do more than play. "Cause your aim could you a ton of work if you thought that was true," he winked to make her even more mad.

She just turned back but he could see the miniscule regret hidden behind her eyes.

Their third driver pulled up and Zack rolled his eyes as Dom happened to be the other driver. He felt like he had no say in what he did anymore. There was always someone there to watch him and make sure he didn't get into or cause trouble that he couldn't get himself out of.

"Ready to lose tonight, boys?"

"I am if you are," Dom answered.


"Can you say domestic?", Leon smirked as he watched Letty and Zack eat dinner at the table with no one else in sight.

"Shut up, Lee. Where your girl at?", Letty teased back.

Zack ignored him continuing to enjoy the food that they had cooked up when everyone else had left.

He just knew that somehow no matter what he did whether it was fixing cars or playing house with Letty. It just made sense and it felt good.

"When is the wedding though?", Leon sniped back ducking the spoon that Letty threw at his head and rushing to leave before she threw any more silverware.



"Get out of your head, asshole," Letty snapped as she pushed her car into Zack's making him brake before he crashed.

The race had started and a memory had taken him away from the curves and speed of it.

Dom was smart cause he kept a good distance between himself and Letty but enough to get all three of them to the place that he had in mind.

"Don't hurt him too much, Let," Dom whispered to himself as he turned them in the wrong direction but they followed nonetheless.

He came to an abrupt halt and swerved his car until both Zack and Letty were stuck in the dead end. A triumphant smile made itself known as he hopped out once Letty realized the trap and quickly stepped out of her car with gun raised pointed at Dom.

"Trapping me now, huh?"

"We just want to talk," Dom's hands were raised in surrender.

"Talk about what?"


The younger guy walked between the two of them and gave Letty a pleading look before raising his hands in surrender as well. He stepped forward slowly and carefully knowing she could and probably would shoot him if she felt threatened at any time.

"Letty, please..."

"What do you want?"

"For you to know the truth. The truth about who you are and who we are to you."

"I don't know you," she looked like a deer caught in headlights even with her gun still prepared to shoot him dead this time. "I never knew you."

"Why are you flinching then?", Zack noticed her backing away and the flinch she had given as he got closer and her deep brown eyes scanned his face.

"Who are you?"

"I am Zachary O'Conner. Brian's younger brother, your best friend, your- Letty, we are your family."

"No, that's not true."

"Why would I lie to you? You're the one with the gun. You could end my life right this second so why would I make up an elaborate scheme to stop you with memories that we made together."


Zack made it to her and the gun pressed to his chest. He stared into the eyes giving nothing away but the fact that he loved her so much.

"Because that tiny scar on your neck isn't the mistake I made when I tried to play blindfold Darts with you and ended up scraping that spot. Or the tattoo just above your waist isn't the wolf paw because we made a pack that no matter who or where or what that we would forever be each other's family. I know you wake up biting your nails because you're trying to remember a dream you have had the night before or the way you hate to drink coffee and instead love hot tea with lemon and mint leaves."

"That doesn't mean-"

"It means everything," Zack whispered reaching up to grab a strand of her wayward hair and smiled as Letty lowered the gun. He had won one battle.

Now for the other.

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