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"I got some vouchers."

- Roman Pearce


"Wake up..."

Zack rolled over to see the worn jeans of his brother, Brian, nearly three inches away from his face. He pushed him back with his arm and rolled back to the other side.

"Wake up, Zack. Dad's not here again and I need to take you to school or you can walk again," Brian threatened tapping the boy's head again.

Finally but begrudgingly, Zack rolled out of bed and pulled on his warm, house shoes.

He took a quick shower, brushed his teeth and hair, and pulled on a band tee, jeans, and Vans. The reject look was in for him and especially at the school he was going to.

"I made you breakfast," Brian gestured to the bowl of cereal next to Zack's pile of books.

"Thanks," Zack mumbled as he sat down and quickly ate not really tasting the cereal but knowing it was the only thing that they had this morning.

In the car, Brian tried to keep him interested but Zack glared out the window with his piercing blues. He hated the neighborhood, the friendly old people, and the school that he was forced to attend every day.

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