Meeting their friends

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-Normal POV-
You all were making your way to Knuckles' and Sonic's friends. Tails was staring up at the sky as Sonic was carrying him like a baby. Tails then nudges Sonic as he stares at The Northern Lights, "Look, Sonic. The sky's awake." Sonic chuckles and also looked up. But you and Knuckles were behind. But you started to shiver. "Are you cold?" Asked Knuckles. You nodded, "A little."

-Knuckles' POV-
She was freezing. I really wanted to help and wrap my arms around her to keep her warm, but I remembered that she was engaged, but luckily I noticed the steam vents that were ahead. "Hey, come here." I said, taking her to the steam vent as she holds out her hand to warm up. The poor girl was cold, I really wanted to give her my coat, but she's a princess and I'm just a ordinary echidna.

We both continued to walk again, but close to the steam vents, "So, uh...about my friends. Well... I say friends, but they're more like family. Anyway, when we were kids, it was just me and Sonic until they, ya know, kind of took us in." I explained as (Y/n) smiled warmly. "I-I don't want to scare you, they can be a little bit inappropriate. And loud, very loud. They're also stubborn at times, and a little overbearing, and heavy. Like, really heavy. Which you'll...but you know, you'll get it. They're fine. They mean well." I blushed as she then touched my arm. "Knuckles, they sound wonderful." I blushed redder from her touch, but I did notice her cheeks going redder, too.

"Okay then." I said as I stepped forward, turns to face the others, "Meet our family." I said, putting my arms out wide.

-Normal POV-
You blinked as he finished saying that large trees were his family. "Hey, guys!" Said Knuckles, waving. "We're home!" Shouted Sonic, smiling. You and Tails blinked once more as you thought they were crazy. "Oh. They're trees."

You and Tails continued to watch them looking dumbfounded. "Hey, I like that new pattern on it. Are those hearts?" Said Sonic, talking to and pointing at the mold on the tree.

"Hey, oh, I love that new sent on you. Is it cinnamon rolls?" Asked Knuckles, also talking to and sniffing the tree.

Then Tails whispered to you, "They're crazy. I'll distract them while you run." He then put on a smile and steps forward as he waves at the tree, "Hey, Knuckles and Sonic's family!" He smiled nervously as he pats one of the trees, "It's nice finally to meet you!"

But he then whispered to you, "Because I love you, (Y/n), and I insist you run."

He then looked at the tree, "I've heard that you're love experts!"

But then whispered back to you, "Why aren't you running?"

You blinked, "O-okay. Well, I'm gonna go." You said as you turned to leave. "Wait! No, no, no! (Y/n)!" Shouted Knuckles. But you suddenly saw the trees shaking. You looked at him, worried, "Knuckles!!" The trees then opened up and revealed a lot of mobians, jumping out of the trees and running up to Sonic and Knuckles.

"Sonic and Knuckles are home!" Cheered a female echidna. The other jumped and cheered as they cheered their names. One grabbed Sonic's hand and yanks him down, "Ah, let me look at you!" She smiled. The same female echidna that called out, started lifting up Knuckles' jacket, "Here. Take off your clothes! I'll wash them-"

But Knuckles stopped her and blushed in embarrassment, "No! I-I'm gonna keep my clothes on. Look, it's great to see you all, but where is Grandfather?" He asked.

"He's napping. But look, I grew a fang." Said a child mobian as he shows the small fang growing on top of his teeth, then another child steps forward, "I earned my green thumb!" She smiled, showing her thumb. Then an adult mobian holds up an antler his hand, "I passed the hunting exam."

"Hey, Sonic, pick me up!" Said a little mobian as he jumps up on Sonic's arm, "Wow! You're getting big. Good for you." He groaned. Another kid then jumps onto Knuckles' back.

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