A heartwarming ending

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As I keep holding my sister's body and continued to sob. I then suddenly saw that (Y/n)'s body starts to unfreeze and come to life. I looked up and saw her bright (e/c) eyes, shining with a smile, "(Y-Y/n)?" I then hugged her as we hold on to each other tightly. "Aw, Ashley..." She said, almost crying. "You sacrificed yourself for me?" I smiled, holding her both hands. She smiled and replied, "I love you."

-Normal POV-
Tails' face then lights up as he realizes what saved you and replied, "Oh! An act of true love will thaw a frozen heart." "Love will thaw..." Mumbled Ashley as she looked you and smiled, "Love. Of course." She then looked at her hands.

You looked at her, confused, "Ash?" "Love. Is the key." She smiled as she raises her arms as the ice on the fjord starts to melt, beneath their feet the bow of a ship thaws and rises as they stand on it, the snow and ice across the kingdom melts bringing back the warm summer.

You smiled and patted her back, "I knew you could do it." Then you two saw Tails, "Wow, this is the best day of my life...and quite possibly the last." He said, as he started to melt. Then you two giggled as you gave him your (favorite jewelry).

He then started to reform his body, but he then turned into a real Mobian. "Wow!! I'm a real boy!!" He laughed as you giggled, "Yep. I remember that Tikal gave it to me to help you." You smiled.

But then, you all saw Scourge regains consciousness. You saw Knuckles, growling and prepared to go over to fight him but you stopped him and walks over to Scourge as he looks at you in confusion, "(Y/n)? But she froze your heart."

"The only frozen heart around here is yours." You replied sternly. But you turned from him but then suddenly turns back and punches him in the face making him fall overboard into the water, Ashley comes over to you and you tightly as you hugged back. But, over her shoulder, you looked at the red echidna smiling.

Scourge was thrown into one of the ships cell and locked in, as Zonic the Zone Cop and your butler started talking, "I will return this scoundrel to his place back in prison. We shall see what his family think of his behavior." Said Zonic as your butler gave a smile and nod, "Mobius thanks you, my Officer."

Just then Duke Robotnik is being escorted by some guards onto the ship. "This is unacceptable. I'm a victim of fear. I have been traumatized. I demand to see the Queen!" He shouted as your butler stepped in, "Funny, cause I have a message from the Queen." He then he reads from the scroll that said,

"Mobius will henceforth and forever no longer do business of any sort with Duke Ivo 'Robotic'."

"'Robotnik'! It's 'Robotnik'!!" He shouted as the guards drag him up onto the ship.

As for you, you were running through the crowd towards the village square pulling a blindfolded Knuckles behind you. You giggled as you kept pulling him, "Come on, come on, come on!" You giggled as he chuckled, "Okay. Here I come-" But he then suddenly got smacked straight into a pole. "Oh! Pole!" He groaned as you looked at him, "Oops. Sorry." You then dragged him to a spot by the docks, "Ok. Ok. Ok. Here we are." But you looked at him and noticed that he still has his blindfold. So you took it off as his violet eyes widened.

"I owe you a sled." You said as you gave him a fancy-like sled. Sure it had (f/c) but it was really fancy. Knuckles blinks but was still in total shock, "A-are you serious?" "Yes! And it's the latest model." You squealed as Sonic poses in front of the sled. "N-no. I-I-I can't accept this." He stuttered as you pointed up at his chin, "You have to! No returns. No exchanges. Queen's orders. She's named you the official Mobius Ice Master and Deliverer."

Sonic then smirks and shows off the medal around his neck. "What? That's not a thing." Said the red echidna. "Oh, sure it is. And it even has a cup holder. Do you like it?" You asked, fiddling your thumbs as he raised an eyebrow at you, "Like it? I love it!" He smiled as he suddenly sweeps you off your feet and spins you around as you two laughed.

"I could kiss you!" He blurted out.

But then, there's an awkward embarrassed silence as he puts you back on your feet. You two blushed red. He them cleared his throat, "I-I could. I mean, I'd like to. I'd may I? We me- I mean, may we? Wait, what?" He stuttered, looking away as you stepped forward and kisses him on the cheek.

"We may." You smiled as he smiled back and kisses you. You smiled into the kiss, feeling his soft lips on your, made you feel like, as you found your true love.

You saw that The Freedom Fighters were at the castle, celebrating. Most of the girls would start giggling about you and Knuckles finally being a thing.

But Ashley was standing in the castle courtyard with villagers around her, "Are you all ready?" She asked as she smiled brightly. The villagers and Freedom Fighters cheered and using her powers, Ashley creates an ice rink, everyone starts ice skating, you giggled as you slide over to Ashley as she catches you just before she slips.

You smiled at her, "I like the open gates." She smiled back and replied, "We are never closing them again." And with that, she waves her hand to form ice skates over your boots/shoes, "Oh, Ash, they're beautiful, but you know I don't skate-" "Come on, you can do it!" She giggled as she grabs hold of your hands and pulls you along on the ice, you looked around and saw Knuckles, sliding Sonic around the ice as he couldn't skate.

Then Tails joined and continue to show you on how to skate. Everything was what you've dreamed of, everyone enjoys themselves, you meeting new Mobians and being with your sister.














The End

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