Nobody Can Save Me

Start from the beginning

She let the last tones of the song Goodnight fade into the silence as the album ended. Alexis was alone with her feelings for a while, she let the afterglow of the music touch her soul. That was one of the reasons she disliked the modern pop music - it was never strong enough to reach her heart or soul.

On the other hand, Matthias Blake's voice was able to break through almost immediately, as if her body was only an imagination. There were only two more things which could make her feel that way - books and Anna's presence. She hoped that she would be able to see Entropy just once more.

That feeling when she heard the familiar melodies playing from giant speakers, seeing the people she looked up to playing just a few meters away from her. That feeling of connection with Anna and basically everyone else at the show. They all came for only one reason - to enjoy the music.

That day, Alexis finally felt truly alive.

Her daydreaming was interrupted by Diane who walked into the room; she probably found the place quiet enough to step in. "News from Lenny," she announced. "That infrasound-emmiting device Roger installed in that racist scum's headquarters worked pretty well. Guess what? They turned themselves in! All of them. They just walked to the police station and confessed about everything they've done. They probably chose jail over residing in a haunted place."

Alexis smiled victoriously. "That's good to hear! Maybe I could tell Roger to install his devices in the prison, too, but that'd be probably too cruel."

"I think that nothing's too cruel regarding them," Diane smirked devilishly.

A wave of relief went through Alexis' body. "So that means Lenny is safe," she said. "Thank God. I think the case of the Morningstarian monster can be finally closed now."

The girls gave each other a high five.

"That means we're free again," Diane sighed. "Bored."

"Well, I'd actually love to have a little holiday," Alexis said. "We still have some of Grayson's money, so we don't need a client that badly. Well, our work has always been exciting, but it was always some kind of haunting we either stopped or debunked. Lately, it's... different. We're fighting for our lives. We've been imprisoned. I lost Marlene. I feel like out of control."

"That's true," Diane admitted. "The things are getting more serious lately. Maybe we should just relax while we have the chance. Things can get pretty messy at any given moment."


Later that day, after the girls finished the lunch, Alexis realized that their fridge was almost empty. "I'll have to do some shopping," she said to Diane. "Are you going, too?"

"Does it involve Hot Topic and Chinese restaurant?"

"No, just groceries."

"In that case, I'll stay at home," Diane replied.

As soon as Dante saw Alexis getting dressed, he started to bark happily and jump around her, hoping for a walk. "I can't take you out right now, little buddy," Alexis said. "You're not completely welcome where I go. Maybe you should ask Diane!"

The pup looked genuinely sad.

"Dee!" Alexis shouted before she left. "Please, take Dante for a walk!"

She hoped that her sister would be able to do at least this - taking the dog for a walk and playing with him was Diane's favorite chore. After she heard Diane's "Yeah", she left.

Alexis aimed to the supermarket she usually shopped at. She liked it because she could walk there instead of taking the TEx (it was located in the centre of Serenity Square) and because it was usually quiet and peaceful compared to vibrant, crowded malls in The Centre.

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