Flashes of the Past

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Simon was in the middle of a battle in World of Warcraft when he heard his phone go off. Grudgingly, he walked over to his bed to pick it up. There was a text from Isabelle:

Meet us at Taki's. We have someone for u to meet. Luv u

Putting down the phone, Simon trudged over to his closet. If he was going out, he'd have to change. He had been living in sweatpants and a tank top ever since the accident. Everything in his life seemed wrong now, like a huge piece was missing, which was true. Isabelle had been the only thing keeping him sane. She reminded him he still had something to live for. He threw on some jeans and one of his clever t-shirts saying "Who's Pete Sake?” After throwing on a jacket, he headed out into the night.

The walk to Taki's was silent. Jace walked next to Emilia, following Alec and Isabelle. Emilia wanted more than anything to reach over and take his hand, but she thought better. That would raise way too much suspicion. She wondered where Alec and Isabelle had been all day. Hunting demons? Just as her mind began to wander, Isabelle and Alec walked into a building that looked like any ordinary diner, but Emilia knew as soon as they stepped in the door that it was anything but.

Sitting in the booths, standing by the jukebox, and serving food were all sorts of creatures she had never seen before. A woman with pale green skin and slightly transparent wings carried a tray to a table with a man with fangs, a vampire she assumed. Alec led them to a booth towards the back of the diner. Soon after they sat down, she woman with the green skin handed them menus.

"This page has all the regular mundane food," said Jace, who was sitting next to her, pointing at the menu.

"Thanks." As she was looking at the list of sandwiches, a brown-haired boy sat down next to Isabelle.

"Sorry I'm late" he said.

Isabelle smiled. "It's okay Simon. We'd like you to meet our new maid."

Simon looked at Emilia, and she blushed. "Hi," she said shyly.

"Hi," he replied, sounding just as apprehensive.

Luckily, the green-skinned waitress came back to take their orders. After she left, Jace started the conversation.

"So, Emily, why don't you tell us about yourself? Or do you have a dark past that we shouldn't know about?"

All of their attentions focused on her. "Well, my mom died right after I was born and my dad was killed a few years ago. He raised me on a small farm, taught me how to hunt and make my own bow and arrows. He taught me how to survive." She then told them about the Johnsbrook manner, when she first found out about the Sight, and her trip to New York.

"Wow," Simon said when she finished. "Crazy first few years, huh?"

Emilia nodded. "I'm just happy to know that I'm not crazy."

"Emilia," Alec said. "Where was the farmhouse you said you grew up in?"

She thought about it. Now that she did, she couldn't remember where it was. All she could remember was that her father had taken her to the Midwest right before he was murdered. She proceeded to tell this to Alec. Something flashed across his face, similar to what she had seen on Jace's when he looked at her bow.

"I think we should go," Alec said abruptly, glancing towards the opposite corner of the diner.

Isabelle, then Jace looked where he was looking and suddenly jumped to their feet. Jace pulled her out of the booth, practically dragging her out onto the street.

Work, Love, and Demons (A Mortal Instruments FanFiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن