The Big Uneasy

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"You care for me?" I ask in all seriousness and he nods his head immediately, no doubt in his eyes.

I take a deep breath closing my eyes "I have been hurt in my life Kol and over these past thousand years my humanity is gone....but with make me feel something different and, I like it and it terrifies me but I don't care because fear never got anyone anywhere....." I take another breath and look at him, my eyes meeting his "Do you want to be with me?"

He looks at me for a while and I start to worry I've made the wrong choice but he takes my hand in his, intertwining our fingers and puts his other hand on my cheek, looking me in the eyes.

"Always and Forever."


After our moment up on the roof Kol informed me that the witches were having a celebration tonight and asked me to attend,since everyone else was attending I decided, why the hell not?Everyone left about an hour ago but I had just finished getting ready since I wanted to finish watching Game of Thrones first.

After that occurrence I put on my dark blue gown. Half of the chest was lace with some gold detailing near the shoulder, the other half was rapped in the dark blue silky material that was pulled toward one side of the waist. It cascaded down beautifully.

I curled my hair, applied some skilled eye makeup and stepped into my dark blue pumps before exiting my room. As I'm walking down the hall I feel a presence behind me which makes me stop and slowly turn, facing the man of the house.

"Really Nicole?"

Nik scowls at me. "I am not a female."

"You have the emotions of one."

He looks at me in un amusement before I see something spark in his eyes and tilt my head "What do you want?"

He spreads his arms "What makes you think I want something!"

"Your eyes."

He smiles "You were always good at that....." He pauses and looks at me. "I heard you and my brother before, and I must say believe it or not, I'm happy for you."

I snort and smile in annoyance and appreciation "Thank you Nik, but you really should stop considering yourself a monster."

He cocks his head "Did you not tell me just yesterday that we are monsters?"

I nod "Yes but there's a difference."

"How?" He asks with genuine curiosity.

"Because I believe you can be saved Niklaus."

He looks at me with confusion while slowly walking towards me "And you can't?" He asks when he's in front of me.

"No-I--I don't know."

"And why is that?"

"Because I see it Klaus, I see emotion in you all the time, but me? My soul lost its fire and it sucks" I say and give a hollow laugh "I remember it. The fire from my eyes was disappearing and I was losing touch on everything that made me feel human, to be honest it scared the shit out of me. It's the scariest most utterly terrifying feeling in the world to loose touch of who you are, to lose yourself, especially when you can't be found."

Nik looks at me for a while almost as if he was studying me before he speaks up "There's is hope for you too."

My eyebrow raises "And how do you know this?."

"I've seen the way you are with Kol. If you aren't already there, you will eventually fall in love with him....and someone once said something to me. Anybody who is capable of love can be saved."

I consider his words and they dawn on me clearly but I don't let any emotion show, I simply stare at him "Even someone as destroyed on the inside as us?"

He smiles "Even someone as destroyed on the inside as us."

The sound of a door opening catches our attention "Ah" Nik starts and I look at him "My mother's 'book of magic tricks' is very desired." Is what he says before flashing out and I hear him down the hall.

"I've been expecting you"


"Your late."

And a painful scream erupts.


After Niklaus dealt with his business we headed to the party. I separated from him and went through the crowd looking for one person in particular.

"Looking for me darling?"

I whip around finding my suspect of interest and checking him out "You look handsome."

He smiles and wraps and arm around me, kissing my temple "And you look stunning" he whispers.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" A voice says from behind us and we groan before turning around staring at Niklaus who I felt I spent enough time with today "We are gathered here today to pay homage to our beloved witches but one very special witch has been utterly ignored, that seems a little unfair to me." he says as he presents a tiny box to the witch Davina, she stares at it for a couple of seconds.

"No" she says and I almost laugh but Kol gives me a look "I don't want your gift."

"I understand why you would reject me given our past in truth, many of us here today have been wronged in the conflict which my brothers treaty ended" he points to a young boy next to him "your friend Josh was involved in a plot to kill me. It would be well within my right to execute him. Here and now. But, in the spirit of solidarity and for your favor Davina, I hereby pardon him"

He turns to the boy laying a hand on his shoulder "Josh from this day forward you have nothing to fear from me" He turns back to Davina once again offering her the box "Please."

This time she accepts.

A few minutes later the party is back on and everyone is enjoying themselves. A group of African styled music players begin descending down the stairs grabbing everyones attention. When they come to the bottom the one who seems to be the leader speaks up.

"Happy Fete Des Benedictions! We have a message for all of you, from Marcel Gerard!" Immediately almost everyone tenses up including me and Kol. They all take our their pocketknives raising them in the air, before slicing open their wrists. Almost all the vampires in the room have morphed and hunger is clear on their features, I step forward turning and pointing to them.

"Control yourselves."

Elijah steps forward "This is a vulgar trick" his voice now raises "we do not violate our agreement!"

As soon as that word is spoken the lights all shut off and commotion starts. I hear the screams and the sound of vampires feeding.
But as soon as it has started it has stopped, the lights turning on again I see Hayley getting up, Klaus attempting to help her but she calls out for Elijh, I don't miss the small amount if hurt in his eyes before he walks out, but I do believe he is more interested in the human girl.

I also spot my siblings across the room along with Iannia they seem slightly rattled but get over it quickly giving me a quick nod which I return.
Focusing behind Elijah and Haley something catches my eye, something spelled with blood.

There will be no peace.


Ok guys so sorry, I haven't updated since I've been busy and this is kind of short but I promise you will have another update either tomorrow or the next day. Also *cough* theres some very minor sexual behavior *cough* Coming up so i just wanted you all to know. Anyways have you guys seen TVD 5x18 I'm not a big fan of this season but I felt so bad for Kol I hope he doesn't disappear.






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