Ode to Laura Nyro

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Come on, people, come on, children
Come on down to the glory river
Gonna wash you up, and wash you down
Gonna lay the devil down, gonna lay that devil down
I got fury in my soul, fury's gonna take me to the glory goal
In my mind I can't study war no more
Save the people, save the children, save the country now

I remember my Mother singing those words back at the Reservation. How I miss her so.
She'd carefully unsheathe that vinyl and play it on the old Kenwood Stereo. God, was that thing old. We were so poor, I think it was the only heirloom we had.

"Densaw" is my name. It's Tlingit for Glacier. My Mother thought it would sound unique if she dropped the first 'E'. "Kaagwaantaan" was the name of our clan. Symbol of the Wolf. The administration of the New Government deemed it too ethic to pronounce, and in an instant, I lost my culture. "CANIS"...the Latin equivalent of Wolf is how I'm referred to now.

Mother, you were the only Family I had. You taught me to hunt, to fight, the language and pride of our people. Even when I came of age, you asked me to abandon everything and learn a trade. You said Robotics and A.I. was the way of the Future. When the Americans bombed our Village and I scoured for hours in search of you, I remember holding your broken body and you sang to me..."Save the people, save the children, save the country now."

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