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The crew of floor nineteen were hanging out in Magnus's room. They were just chatting. After all they didn't have much time to themselves anymore.

Halfborn and Mallory were cuddled up under the tree. TJ was polishing his gun while chatting away. He wore his usual of a Union soldier. Mallory had on a Hotel Valhalla shirt on with jeans. Halfborn had his usual on as well.

Alex was laying down with her legs crossed and her head propped up by her arms. She wore her rise high tops with a pair of matching pants, and a green shirt that said "My Life My Rules". Her hair was, as always, a curly green mop.

Magnus sat with his legs folded criss-cross-applesauce. His blonde hair had grown out to his chin since being cut. He wore a HV shirt like Mallory but his was a different color.

Alex had her eyes closed and was tapping one foot to the music Magnus had playing softly. Magnus just watched her with a small smile. When Alex rubbed her nose and shifted her feet Magnus knew that she was now a he.

Halfborn grinned at Magnus. "You don't have to stare at her." He teased. Magnus didn't even flinch as he looked him in the face.

"Him. And I wasn't staring at him I was just thing and happen to be looking in his direction." Magnus the went back to looking at Alex.

Halfborn just shook his head. He couldn't believe them. Alex on the other hand...

He had heard Magnus and was trying to not smile like a fool. Magnus knew it when he shifted genders and never questioned it... Alex couldn't explain how happy that made him.

He sat up and yawned. He faked making to get up. "Yep not happening." He laid back down and yawned again. "I'm sleeping here. Touch me and you lose that hand. And the other." He held in laughter as he heard Magnus snort.

Magnus rolled his eyes at Alex. "Fine. The rest if you should get to your rooms unless you want to have one massive sleep over here." The others rolled their eyes and left. Magnus rubbed his forehead and smiled down at Alex.

Magnus put a blanket over Alex and put a pillow under his head. He knew Alex probably wasn't completely asleep but he didn't care.

Alex smiled to himself as he fell asleep. Magnus git his own pillow and blanket and slept out in the atrium as well.

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