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I was doing pottery when my room door opened. I didn't pay much attention. The footsteps sounded until they reached the door way to my pottery room. There they waited. I heard the creak as someone leaned on the doorway.

A few minutes pasted and I finished. So I looked up. And it took a few seconds for me to get my face schooled into smooth swagger. I had to swallow a lump in my throat.

"Hey dude. Was wondering if you wanted to hang out or train?" Magnus said smoothly. His voice sounding like a summer breeze and a cozy evening next to a fire in winter at the same time. Because of his healing powers his hair had grown out fast. So it was tied back in a neat little ponytail. He also wore a Vallhala T-shirt and jeans. But his arms showed and they were toned from so much training.

His eyes shown with a kindness and softness that I didn't see much with others. The soft grey was layered with different shades. Where his cousin's were hard and calculating his were cozy and accepting.

But I caught on his words. 'Dude', he could tell I was male right now... How in Hel did he do that!?

"I mean I'm sick of training. We could hang out though." I shrugged. The smile I got from Magnus warmed my heart.

I washed my hands as Magnus looked through movies. I changed so I wasn't covered in clay too. I chose a green flannel with a rose colored tanktop and matching skinny jeans. I slipped on green socks and walked out. What? I wasn't going to wear shoes in my own room!

Magnus was bent over to put a movie in the Blur Ray player. I took a second to enjoy the view. Then he stood up and walked to me. He smiled and I smiled back.

We sat on the couch and he pressed play. So we watched a bunch of movies. At some point after talking a while and laughing at a comedy I ended up tucked close to Magnus's side. He had one arm around me and the other resting on the arm of the couch.

My legs laid over the couch and I had my head on his shoulder. Magnus was so cozy... Like his body was simply made to cuddle. Let me remind you neither one of us are big on the whole bodily contact thing.  But this was nice.

At some point I faintly remember passing out, and just barely as I got scooped up and laid in my bed.

I woke up in my room. I was dressed in my regular clothes. Oh right. I passed out on Magnus. He had just... Magnus was so sweet and kind... How could I not fall for the boy! I took a shower and dressed. I had basically the opposite of yesterday but my shirt said "Yes, I am better than you". I finished my hair and headed to breakfast.

I headed for our table and sat down. Mallory and Halfborn smirked at me. I raised an eyebrow.

"We saw Magnus walk into your room yesterday. And he didn't come out until very late." Mallory's accent was very thick but I could understand her. I curled my lip.

"We hung out what about it?" I growled out. Halfborn and Mallory just smiled at me and glanced towards the door.

Magnus was walking over to us. He again had a ponytail. But he wore a red flannel shirt with the top  two buttons undone and the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. His skinny jeans and sneakers finished off the outfit. I had to bite my lip a bit.

I looked around. I guess I wasn't the only girl that Magnus caught the eye of. A few girls were looking at him with a bit too warm of interest. I held in my snarl and just smiled to Magnus as he sat down.

"What up ladies," he nodded to me then Mallory. "and gentlemen." He nodded to T.J and Halfborn. After that he sat down next to me and started eating.

I just ate and snuck glances at him. The two undone buttons let you see the top of his toned chest. He had been training a lot... Mallory kept smirking at me so I glared daggers at her.

And so it went on. A few day passed and they turned to a few weeks. Magnus wore ponytails off and on. And let me tell you I looked forward to those days.

Magnus Chase One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now