The New Additions and Video Games

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Using her magic, she lifted him carefully onto the bed. He looked immensely more comfortable. Raven sighed and put on her nightgown, and got into bed on the other side. She fell into a deep sleep, and both the changeling and the demoness didn't notice that they got considerably closer than either would have known.

TIME JUMP: Next Day, 2nd day of the week long stay
Beast Boy's POV (just realized this is the first time I'm doing a no narrator  POV! Awesome!)
I woke up to feel someone's hot breath on my face. I slowly opened my eyes to see a purple canvas above me. Wait, purple? I should be waking up to a black ceiling. My sleeping bag was also more comfortable than usual. I sat up and looked around and saw....Raven. She was right next to me, her arms around my waist. How I didn't notice that was unknown to me. I let out a little gasp.

Did she put me here? Did I sleep walk up to the bed in the middle of the night? Is Raven gonna kill me? She probably will, if she wakes up. I carefully pried her fingers from my waist. When I got one hand off, she yawned and began to wake up. I panicked and tore her hand off my waist and jumped into my sleeping bag. I closed my eyes and pretended to sleep.

Raven's POV
I woke up to feel someone holding my hand. A weight seemed to jump off my bed as I slowly opened my eyes. I looked around and Beast Boy wasn't there in my bed. I started to panic. Did aliens abduct him? Did he get kidnapped? Did Terra kidnap him? I growled a little at that.

I jumped off the bed and saw him in his sleeping bag. I breathed a sigh of relief until I wondered how he had gotten there. Slowly, though, the pieces began to fit together.
"You don't have to pretend to be sleeping Beast Boy. You almost gave me a heart attack." I said, no emotion whatsoever escaping my mouth. He 'woke up' and looked around.

"Oh, hey Rae."

"I know you were in my bed."

He jumped out of his sleeping bag and said, pleadingly, "Please don't kill me! I promise that I have no clue how I got there!" He looked so cute, on his knees and begging to me.

Wait, what did I just think?

I smiled a little and walked up to him. I whispered, "But I do." I kissed him on the cheek and left the room. I grinned ear-to-ear for the rest of the day.

TIME JUMP: 8 hours later
Beast Boy's POV
I begged to her not to kill me. And what does she do? She kisses me on the cheek. I am never washing that cheek again.

I watched her suspiciously all morning. She seemed way happier than usual, and was grinning a lot more. I saw my future self give her a wink, and she giggled. Giggled! If I did that I'd get thrown out a window! Of course, my future self was smirking at me too, and I knew that he knew what had happened and what would happen between the two of us. Most likely it would result in the future we have now. Maybe not.

All afternoon she sat on the couch, watching Cy and I playing video games. So, I decided to test her. I held up the third controller. "Rae! Wanna play!" Cyborg gave me the 'your dead' look, but to our surprise she nodded and sat next to me. She didn't even correct her name. Strange.

I gave her a tutorial of the controls. I put her hand on top of mine, and I showed her all the buttons. We were both pretty red in the face at that point, especially since I enjoyed the feel of her hands on mine. The game started to play once I'd showed Rae the ropes. It was Cy v.s. Rae, and I didn't like the odds. Rae would most likely lose.

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