Pushing The Limit

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"Why didn't you tell me you were his daughter?" "Why? So you can treat me like a princess, because my father was your boss? Please, all my life I was living in his shadow, being told to be someone I am not. He spoke of you a lot to me. He told me what a bright yet dull soul you were. I know how this works. When he put on his suit and tie, he was a completely different person, maybe that was a Chief strategy. I mean, I didn't expect you to sucker punch me, and embarrass me in front of everyone, but it made everyone respect you." "I only did that because you were trying to get with my boyfriend, Lapierre." Veronica scoffed at me. "That's what you think? I guess you failed to realize that I have a child and recently just lost my fiancé. I don't have time to stick my nose into another relationship. I have a child to raise, Reynolds, by myself. At least you have a man to help raise your child, because mine is gone. Count your blessings, Genevieve. You've put me through a lot of shit since I've been here, so you're lucky I'm still willin go help you find this murderer."

I couldn't help but wipe the tears that fell down my eyes. "I forgive you, Chief. I know you're going through some tough things, like losing your sister, but keep an open mind. You're not the only one fighting battles here, but right here, right now, we're fighting one battle at a time, and we need to stick together and win hand in hand." "You're right. I'm very sorry the way I've treated you, Veronica, you've really helped me throughout the whole process and I appreciate it." "You're welcome, Chief.

As I was on my way home, ready to begin the weekend with Bruno. I called his cell phone, as I drove home, but he didn't answer. I attempted to call the landline, but he didn't answer that either. I didn't worry about it too much. I called during an inconvenient time for him, but that wasn't the case.

I turned the corner, hitting Bruno's street, to see police swarming his home and an  ambulance with its lights flashing. I pulled up behind the ambulance and left everything in the car with the exception of my keys. I walked onto the property until an officer said, "Excuse me ma'am, I'm going to need you to move back." "This is my boyfriends house! I need to see him!" "So does every other groupie here. Move back." I was appalled at his statement towards me. "Groupie? Okay." When the officer wasn't looking, I made a mad dash inside the house.

"Bruno!" "Genevieve?" I heard his voice. "Where are you?" I asked as I started roaming the house. "In here." He was in the bedroom. "Hey! You can't be in here!" The same officer who stopped me, followed me." When I made it to the room, Bruno had only shorts on, no shirt, but had a cloth laying on the right side of his chest. "Sorry, Mr. Hernandez, we didn't mean to let her inside the house, we'll remove her." The officer grabbed my arm, until Bruno raised his voice. "Get your hands off my lady." He said. "You don't man handle a woman, especially if she's carrying a child. My child at that. Get out." Bruno grew angry. I snatched my arm from the officer and watched him exit the room.

"Baby, what happened?" I instantly fell into to tears. "I'm fine, it's okay." "No you're not fine. You're hurt. Who did this?" "Baby, I don't know they're going to have transport me to the hospital, I got cut bad." Bruno said. I grabbed his hand that was holding the cloth on his wound, and slightly moved it so I can see. He was gashed terribly. "Why didn't you call me, I would've been here as soon as I can." "Baby, I can't have you stressing, with you being pregnant, and I didn't want you to get hurt just to get here." "But you got hurt." I continued to cry. "Someone tried to take you away from me." I said. "And when I find out, I'm going to turn them inside out."

"Okay, Mr. Hernandez, I'm going to need you to lay down on the floor." The paramedic said. "Okay." Bruno stood to his feet, bucking at the knees, and the muscles in his arms and back tensed up. I helped him lay down.

He grunted in pain as he rested on the floor, and couldn't bear to look at me. "Excuse me ma'am, we need to place him on the gurnee." The paramedic said. I moved back and allowed them to do their job. I was scared. I was ultimately scared.

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