Next Step

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"Genevieve. Hey, Eve." A hand was tapping me, waking me up from my sleep. "Good morning beautiful." Bruno smiled. "Good morning." I said with a smile. "I got us some transportation to take us home. I already paid the housing bill for our stay here. I just need you to grab your things and we're ready to go." "Okay" I said. "What time is it?" I asked. "Mmm it's about half passed 8." I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I put my hand on my head to feel the soreness on the corner of my head, near my temple. Bruno and I were lucky to be left with just a few bruises. Hell, we were lucky to survive something so drastic. No one knows about the crash. I didn't want to tell anyone. I didn't want anyone to observe me as a weak punching bag, unfortunately, makeup wouldn't be able to cover everything. It would still be noticeable.

With a limp, I helped Bruno walk to the car, but he constantly moved me away from him. He was like me. He didn't want to appear weak. Once seated comfortably, the driver asked, "So, what is your destination for today?" "Our destination is.." "The Men's Correctional Facility." I interrupted. Bruno turned his head, in confusion. "The prison?" "Yes sir." Bruno grabbed my hand and asked, "Why are we going there?" "I need to see someone."

"Just follow me okay." I said to Bruno as he limped beside me. When we walked inside the prison, I helped Bruno take a seat. "I'll make this as quick as possible. I promise." Bruno rolled his eyes and didn't respond. "Hi, I'm here to see Wyatt Henderson." "Name?" "Genevieve Reynolds." The went through the computer and said, "You're not on the emergency list, so you are not authorized to see him." I went in my bra and pulled out my badge. "I'm FBI, I am authorized to see whoever I please." The officer pursed her lips and said, "Meet me at the door."

The officer led me to the visiting section and I sat at the table with my fingers interlocked with each other. My heart was pounding. I was nervous, but I needed answers.

The door opened and I heard shackles. I looked up, to see Wyatt in a black and white jumpsuit. In the prison, each inmates jumpsuit was based on their crime. Murderers wore black and white. He had a scar on his face, traveling from the middle of his forehead across his face traveling down to his jaw. He was lucky to still have his eye.

The officer sat him down and stood by the door giving us a little sense of privacy. He couldn't bear to look at me. I couldn't tell if he was happy or angry to see me, because his face was emotionless. "What do you want from me." He groaned. "Answers." I say. He finally looked at me automatically observed the bruises on my face. "What happened to you? Who did this to you?" "That's why I need answers." I said. "I was in a car crash last night. The brakes mysteriously failed. I know, you know who killed my sister. So does Charles. But I trust you a little more than him." "They really tried to kill you...I thought it was just a lie." "Who's trying to kill me, Wyatt." I put my hand on his. "Who's striving to kill my family?" "No touching!" The officer announced. I moved my hand and just stared at him. "I can't tell you." "Why not?" "Because I know you'll figure it out." "Dammit Wyatt, if I figured it out, I wouldn't be here."

"Exactly, then you wouldn't need my help." "You like poems right? Tell me a poem." Wyatt looked over his shoulder, looking frightened to see who would hear. He leaned forward and said, "They're a metal head, cold as can be. But they're bright as a rainbow, so humble you can see. Don't be fooled, don't be so quick to believe, because they're studying you, and they're ready to take you out, Eve. I can't tell you a name, because snitches get stitches, but here, the snitches get thrown in ditches. I'm sorry I can't give you what you want, but you're a smart girl, and when you put the pieces together, the evidence will unfurl."

My eyes rushed with tears. "Thank you." I stood up but before I left I said, "I'm pregnant. So you just saved my child and I am eternally grateful." "Eve." He called "Yes?" He stood up. "Sit down inmate!" "No, it's okay officer." I say. I walked over to Wyatt but continued to keep a distance. "I don't know the next time you'll come back, but before you leave, I want to say first and foremost, congratulations. I know you'll be a great mother. Also, I promise I'll do better. I know I'm not getting out of here, but I want you to know that I'm going to be a better man within these walls. I'm sorry for the shit I put you through. I didn't deserve an amazing woman like you, and I know you're with Bruno and all that, but just know that before him, I was madly in love with you. You were my biggest loss in life, and I will die in regret of that."

I walked closer to Wyatt and placed my hand on his cheek. He flinched at my touch but then closed his eyes and leaned his head into my hand. "I know you will become a better man, and I accept your apology. We all make mistakes and we all have regrets, but I will never forget you Wyatt Henderson. You always looked out for me and defended me. That's love." With his cheek in my hand, I saw a tear roll down his face, landing onto my hand. "I have to go." Wyatt said. I wiped his eye with my thumb and said, "Be strong."

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