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Today, I went to see Wyatt in prison. He didn't know I was coming today and in all honesty, I was kind of excited to see him. I may be crazy, but I'd feel better knowing that my intuition is correct.

I walked into the correctional facility and walked up to the front desk. "Good morning. I'm here to see Henderson, Wyatt." The officer greeted back, and began to look in the computer. "Oh, ma'am, Henderson is no longer here." I was confused. I tilted my head, trying to find the words the say. "Wha- what do you mean? Did he get transferred to another prison?" I asked. "No, uhm, he was found dead in the showers last week." My heart sunk into my belly. "He-Hes dead?" "I'm sorry, ma'am." I held my stomach, a sharp pain hit me. "Are you okay? Do you need medical attention?" The officer asked. "No" I put my hand up. "I don't." I grabbed my purse and said, "Thank you. You have a good day." Leaving the building, I cried. I cried so hard, my head was throbbing and my chest was aching.

I walked outside to the parking garage, with my keys in my hands. I unlocked my car from a distance until I noticed a problem. My car was unbalanced. As I got closer, my back left wheel had been slashed. On the wheels rim, there was a yellow sticky note attached to it.

This is only the beginning

The note read. I didn't even let this scare me. A slashed tire and a threat? If this person was smart, they'd just go ahead and hurt or even kill me, for whatever reason, but I knew this message. Whoever wrote this message, was the same person that was responsible for the death of Genesis and Brandon.

"Sorry I'm late, someone slashed my tires." I say, walking past Justin. "Lapierre! My office." As I was unlocking my door, I overheard Justin ask, "What the hell did you do now?" Veronica responded, "More than you think." When I entered the room, I set my belongings down and asked Veronica to close the door. She took a seat in front of my desk. In my purse, I had the journal with me. I set in on top of my desk, without disturbing it.

"How did you know about this journal, who it came from, and where everything was located?" "I have my ways, Reynolds." I leaned forward and said, "Your ways are my ways, Lapierre, you better get to talking. This is between me and you."

She became irritable, frustrated to the point she became teary eyed. I handed a box of tissues, "How did you know this was in Justin's house?" "You probably already know this, but me and Damian go back a long time. We were catching up on old times, and I told him that I was working here, and he informed me that a guy he was dating also worked in the same department. So one day, he took me to his boyfriends home and it turned out to be Justin. Those two together are odd, but I didn't want to question it. I made a reference that I needed to use the restroom, but at the time, the main restroom was out of order, so Justin directed me to the master bedroom. When I got there, of course, there, unfortunately, was no toilet paper, so I looked under the sink to find some, but I found that box. I was curious, but it was wrong. A key? In a big ass box? Really? I had to investigate further. That's when I found the safe and I found the diary, but I didn't think anything to it. Until I found out who he was to you. That's why I wanted you to find it yourself. So you didn't think I tampered with anything, but also, that if you really wanted it, you'd take the risk." Veronica explained.

"Why do you want revenge? What is your motive to that." I asked. "My father was slain in vain, and like you, I refuse to let the one I love die without justice." "Who was your father?" "The man who you replaced. The seat that you sit in now, belonged to him." My eyes grew large, unable to believe what I was hearing right now. "I am the daughter of Quinn Spencer."

Ordinary Life: The ChallengeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang