The Lazarus Pit

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 To bargain with a demon Part 3

LOCATION: High in the Mountains far away from Gotham

Back in the Present Day

"We met a couple more times throughout the 20th Century as neither friends nor enemies, eventually Ras began to notice that I had stopped aging in my mid to early 30s something we have in common I suppose, he became curious about me he has done a lot of research on me and knows a lot about the Red Rooms it's not a comforting thought, but he did help me out a while back when I sought out to take down the Red Room permanently, however I still refused to join the League, we only became enemies when he kidnapped Robin a while back and I fought him alongside Batman since then we have clashed many times"

I finish my story to a very bewildered Tim

The boy looks at me dumfound at what to say,

"Wow" is all he can seem to manage I understand that its a lot to take in

"So you are really-" but I cut him off before he can finish his sentence

"If you even dare use the word old I will kill you" although technically it was true 94 years old and still looking good

But was I immortal?

 No, or at least I don't think so

The serum that ran through my veins has to have an expiry date but when that could be I really don't know it could be the next 10 years or the next 100 but the thought of out living all of my friends made me shudder and for now it's something that I would rather not think about  

"You fought in world war two that's so awesome I can use you as a source for my next history paper" he smiles, but I still had many other stories about my time as the Black Widow, but I still felt uncomfortable sharing my secrets with someone so young.

We near a clearing in the deep forest Obu tells all of the assassins to have a quick rest which was good for them, but I have no time to rest despite the very long distance that we had covered and our aching feet, but as far as I knew there were no structures in the area what where they up to.

This was our chance to get one of them alone,

I notice one of the assassins has strayed a little further away from the group than the others.

I pull out my stingers and utility belt from my backpack I was always prepared, I click the stingers onto my slender wrists

"Do you ever let those things out of your sight?" Tim asks,

I give him a sinister smile in response,

 I was always prepared for trouble I also had my utility belt and armoured gloves in my bag 

"Right" Tim Replies in a slightly terrified tone of voice.

I make some noise near the stray assassin nothing too obvious just enough to make him investigate the rustling and fortunately it works.

As soon as he is out of sight from the others I give him a high voltage bite which should keep him out for the next 24 hours I catch him before he can hit the ground and make a loud noise.

I take off his clothes (nothing personal so sorry) and look through what he was carrying mostly supplies water, food, wood and rope.

Luckily the assassins uniforms were quite bulky due to how cold it is up in the mountains so they wouldn't notice that I wasn't you know a man.

I put on his mask which covered all of my face apart from my eyes "Ok squirt last time I checked they didn't make these in children sizes so in you go" I hold out the now empty sack open to let Tim get in.

[1]  Beware the Batman and the Black Widow  [1]Where stories live. Discover now