t w e n t y t w o

Start from the beginning

"I just said that to make you shut up," I whisper.

Avi giggles and pulls me in for a hug from behind. We never get very much done when we're around each other. I lean into him, and he kisses my head. "We really should get cooking," he mumbles deeply into my hair.

"Nope, not going there again."


"You know what."

Avi simply smirks and returns to what appears to be some sort of chicken dish.


"And... done!" Avi shouts, shooting his hands in the air away from two very aesthetic-looking plates of Chicken & Broccoli Alfredo Stuffed Shells.

"Oh really, because I beat you, Kaplan!"

"What?" He shrieks, turning around to face me.


"I finished like two minutes ago."


"I literally just dished up Mac & Cheese and put baguettes there."

"No fair!"


"Because you're just so beautiful I couldn't stop looking at you."

"Excuse me?"

"It's all your fault."

"Yeah, that I know the way to making homemade Mac & Cheese by heart."

"Wh- No!" Avi stutters.

"Yes, now let's eat. We still have to make dessert, too," I smile.

"But you beat me!"




"You need to have a punishment."

"For winning?"


"Oh really?"


"What's my punishment?"

"Uh, this."

At first I'm really confused, and then Avi comes over to me and connects his lips to mine. My hands immediantly go to his chest, and his to my waist. At first, at least. He runs them up my sides to my hair, gently playing with the ends. I do the same, because he left his hair down. How can I resist when he left his hair down?

We both pull away, and I blush.

"So that's punishment?"

"The worst kind, isn't it?"

We both smile, and I blush red as a freaking stop sign, and sit down at the island as though nothing just happened.

"So, let me present my dish to you, Ms. Maldonado."

"Alrighty," I giggle.

"On this magnificent plate, you will see shells made of a noodle-y type material and-"

"We're eating Scott?!"

"No, his distant cousins."

"Does he like them?"


"Oh, we're good. Continue, sir."

"Anyways, they are filled with a disgusting green substance I know you enjoy and chicken."

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