Foster the People pumps up LA

That little pun made me chuckled as I studied it. As I folded the paper I saw some sunglasses shine as they walked by. But these... These were no ordinary sunglasses. They were Mark's. I could see his brown shaggy hair and the usual FREE MAGO shirt. My mouth mumbled the words as I stood up.

"M-Mark?" I barely screamed as I saw him. He didn't look back. So I said it again, but louder. Once again, no glance. He's forgotten about me. I saw the way he reacted the next week on the news. He had no emotions on his face. I was just another girl.

He disappeared into the crowd I wanted to chase after him. Because I did miss him. But he didn't feel the same, so I let him go. After a few minutes, I walked toward a candy store. I could've sworn that I saw Ponsi's blond curly hair as I walked in. But it was just another man with his kid. I'm really hallucinating today.

When I walked out of the candy store with my bag full of skittles, I bumped into someone. My bag dropped out of my hands. The skittles went everywhere. When I looked down to get the candy, another person bent down to help me.

"I'm sorry, that was my fault." A familiar voice rang through my ears. It soothed me. All I did was smile as I kept looking down to pick the candy up.

"It's ok Mark." I chuckled and looked up into his beautiful blue eyes. He smiled more than I have ever even seen him.

"H-h-hey Autumn!" We both chuckled and finished picking up the candy.

"Hey." I smiled and gave him a small hug.

"Where have you been? You ran off from me." His eyes showed happiness as he stepped closer.

"I've been with Zack." I smiled at him shyly. The thought about him not caring rang through my thoughts still.

"Oh that's right..." He scratched his head and looked at the floor. A sigh came from his voice as he talked.

"Yea. I saw you're posters in the mall, as a matter of fact I have one in my pocket." I smiled digging through my pockets.

"I've seen them, speaking of the mall wanna go walk around with me?" He smiled and shoved his hands in his pockets. Nervous like that interview. I chuckled.

"I would love to." We started walking around, I eventually threw my candy away from being thrown on the floor. Me and Mark were quiet most of the time we walked.

"Why did you say that? When I left?" I just had to ask, I wanted an answer from him.

"Because it was true, you didn't want me to be around you." He sighed and sat on a bench by a store we walked by. I sat by him and studied his face.

"I loved you Mark." My arms reached out around him as we sat there.

"I loved you more than any of those girls I dated Autumn." He wrapped an arm around me. My eyes focused on his.

"Then why would you leave me for them? At that party that night?" I looked down at our feet. We started playing a footsie game.

"Because... I was dumb. I didn't realize how important you were to me." He sighed and wrapped his foot around my ankle.

"I was dumb to not realize you were trying. It was dumb of me to run away." I let out a deep sigh and leaned back on the bench.

"You didn't do anything wrong. I did, alright?" He leaned forward, and put his elbows on his knees.

"We both messed up I guess." I shrugged my shoulders. He sat up and looked at me. Our eyes met, and butterflies flew in my stomach. Finally, I got to see him again. He was this close. My hand reached out and I messed up his hair.

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