The Band

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"Hey Autumn, how about meeting the band today? I can call them over."
He shocked me for a second... The band? What would they think of me? A worthless brat like Mark should think of me.

"I don't know. What if they don't like me?"

"They won't care. They like everyone."

"Really?" I put on some puppy dog eyes and looked at him.

"Yes Autumn I'm sure! Now let me text them." He started texting them and sounded like he got instant replies.

"Well Ponsi and Cubbie are coming, but Adam can't make it. And Isom is coming too even though he has already met you." He smirked and looked at me.

"Alright, I'm ready to meet them!"
I punched him in the shoulder and caught a quick glance at his phone.



"Get away from me little girl!"

"Shut up."

The doorbell rang and I jumped back onto Mark. He pushed me off and laughed. Two men walked in and said hi to Mark and me. I stood up and shook there hand.

"I'm Autumn."

"I'm Cubbie, nice to meet you."

"Oh hey, I'm Ponsi... Mark have any donuts?" I laughed and looked up to Mark.

"Uh no we don't Ponsi. Sorry man."

"Oh it's cool."

"So Autumn... You're gonna have to put up with us now."

"Yep. That's not a big problem." I shrugged my shoulders.

"We can get crazy... At times." Ponsi looked toward the kitchen.

"When there is donuts involved?" I opened my eyes wider.

"Mostly yeah. You get it." He laughed and nodded at me.

"So... Your Cubbie? Man, you and Ponsi are taller than Mark." They were standing by Mark and towered over him.

"Yea we know. It's been like that for a while."

"Well, since we are waiting for Isom, why don't we watch a movie or something?" My hands gestured over toward the TV.

"Why not?" They all said together.

"You guys a choir or something? Haha ok let's go."

"I pick the movie!" Ponsi jumped toward the stack of movies and looked through them. He picked out like two chick flicks.

I'm. Going. To. Die.

"Chick flicks? Really Ponsi?" I rolled my eyes at him and plopped on the couch.

"You DONT like them?!?"

"Not really, but I'll watch them."

"Mhmm I'm going to show you what a real movie looks like..."

"Alrighty then!" I sat up strait while Mark sat by me and Ponsi sat by me. I was squeezed in the middle.

Right in the middle of the movie Isom walked in... Honestly I had no liking of him. Because first of all, he called me a hooker! Second of all, he got drunk. He might be worse though, than the night I saw him.

"Hello!" He greeted us with a wave of his hand.

"Hey Isom..." I rolled my eyes and continued watching the movie. Mark looked over at him and smiled. "Go ahead and set the..." He paused for a second and looked at the sack he was carrying. "Pop on the table?"

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