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I woke up, it was about one AM. What the heck am I doing up this early? The door slammed beside me. Mark had left, probably for a stupid party. There were a couple of screams down the hall. Ugh, I would have to face drunk Mark in the morning... Fun.

The elevator dinged down the hallway and gave me a little headache. I got up and looked around hoping to not see another girl. It was warm where Mark sat and I closed my eyes for a second. When I heard thunder my eyes shot open.

It was raining... And Mark was out? Oh well, he doesn't care.

I got up and walked around the apartment. Until I stood in front of his door. It was so tempting to open. But he didn't want me to... And I didn't want to be kicked out ether.

But maybe just a peek. I walked inside and his bed was black. It had tan walls like the other rooms and the bathroom. There weren't papers all over the floor like the living room. It was nice. A songbook laid on his bed. It looked like there was secrets all over it.

My heart race increased when I reached out and touched it. I lifted my hand away and took a deep breath in. For a second... Someone grabbed my shoulder. Out of no where my elbow threw around and hit them in the face. They fell over and looked up, but then fell back down.

When I looked at my elbow and it had some blood on it. I looked at their face and studied it for a while.

It was Mark.

Ugh I am so stupid! Why would I blast him in the face with my elbow. The streets taught me well... Maybe a little too well.

I dragged him over to his bed, and sighed. He looked drunk, and smelled like alcohol. Ugh at least I didn't have to face him awake. His mouth was wide open, then he opened his eyes a little bit.

"What are, are you doing in my uh room?"

He breathed blowing his beer breath at me.

"Ugh, I knocked you out a little."

"Oh. Well that makes since... You wanna know a secret?"

"Haha your drunk. You don't want to tell me anything."

"Sure I do! I love you so much!"

He grabbed my arm and shook it while smiling. His nose was bleeding too.

"You what? You need to get sleep."

His words shocked me but made me smile a bit.

"No I'm not very tired. Am I still in Morocco?"

"No your not. Go to sleep Mark."

I pushed his shoulder and looked away from him. Him just being drunk made me mad.

"Let me tell you my secret first... If I can remember!" He laughed some more, and spitting some blood onto his pillow.

"Fine but hurry. You're being gross."

"I just want to kiss you so bad because your like the cutest thing ever!"

Kiss me? Wow I'm an ordinary orphan! Nothing special here Mark...

"I'm a little too young for you Mark..."

"That's nothing. I will kiss you one day!"

He grabbed the back of my head and shoved me toward him. Our foreheads touched and he smiled. I smiled back and removed his hand from my head.

"Goodnight Mark!"

"Ok I'll see you later!"

I walked out of his room and started cracking up! Man, why would he want to kiss me? Honestly, I was hoping for a better secret than that. The couch was still warm when I plopped back down. In the trash can there was a beer bottle in it and I rolled my eyes.

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