Anything Helps

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I was flat on my back on the bed. Everything hurt. My head ached, stomach cramped, legs were on fire, arms were on fire also. It hurt just barely moving.

"M-Mark." I tried to scream but it came out a tiny whisper. My voice had squeaked when I tried to yell again. The doorknob turned and Mark walked in.

"What's up?" He smiled and walked toward the bed. My face was pale, and my mouth was dry. He put the back of his palm on my head. His smile instantly vanished as I squeaked again, trying to yell.

"Can y-you move?" He tried to move my arms around for me. But it hurt too much.

"No." I whispered as loud as I could. The pain eventually stopped in my legs and stomach after a while. But my head hurt like heck.

"You might have some sort of fever, what did you eat yesterday?" I thought for a little and shook my head.

"Nothing? Well that might be the problem..." He chuckled and walked out of the room. When he left I reached for my phone on the stool and it fell.

"Darn." I whispered trying to crawl to the side trying to reach it. Mark walked in with some soup and a thermometer. I fell on the floor as soon as he opened the door. My phone was under me when I landed. So I let out a long groan as the phone penetrated my sides. Mark helped me up and chuckled.

"Here's your phone clumsy." He handed me the phone as I fell over on the bed. He handed me the thermometer and put the soup on the stool thing. My phone laid on my lap as I sat there with the thermometer. It beeped and he slowly took it out.

"Hum... 101 degrees." He frowned and walked out the door. I took the soup and sat there slurping it. My phone vibrated, and I put down the soup almost spilling it all over my lap. The text was from Luke


You at home now?

His words made me smile. I probably wouldn't text Sati... I kind of left off bad with her.


Yup! But I'm sick this morning...

I took a couple more sips of the soup and looked around the room. There were papers on the floor like his living room when we first met. There was a small keyboard in the corner with wires sticking out of it. It looked like a tornado had came through.

A yell came from the kitchen, and I slowly got up from the bed. My hands slipped on the doorknob thrashing it open. Both my legs were wobbling as I walked into the quiet hallway. Mark was getting his keys off the table as he saw me come in.

"Hey. You don't need to be out here." He smiled and approached me quickly as I almost fell over.

"I-I heard you." I whispered into his ear as he caught me falling over.

"I'm just going to a band thing. I won't be back until later. Kayla said she'd come over and watch you." He smiled and hugged me. His hands wrapped around my waist and he dragged me toward the couch. Someone knocked as he sat me down. Kayla walked in as he opened up the door.

"Hey Autumn!" She whispered and slowly came over. She sat down by me and smiled at Mark.

"I've got this under control." They both smiled at each other, and Mark left soon afterward. He gave me a blow kiss as he walked out. Kayla sat there smiling at me.

"He's been angry..." Her smile disappeared and she sighed.

"A-angry?" My voice had barely came back. It now became a loud whisper.

"Yea, he was pounding the walls and slamming doors. It was really loud." She looked down at the floor and put her hand on my lap.

"But now he is better, you're here." She looked up and smiled at me.

"That's sweet, but I don't even kno-" Kayla stood up and stomped her foot.

"He loves you because you gave him something to be happy about!" She threw her hands up in the air and screamed at me. I was sitting there shocked completely.

"Happy about? I'm sick and a worthless orphan..." I looked down at my socks and sniffled.

"For the last time you're not worthless! Mark loves you! He wouldn't do that for anyone... You shouldn't be looking for a reason, you should just be happy that he loves you." Lynn looked like she started tearing up, then she left into the bathroom. See, this is why you don't leave girls to take after each other. Thanks Mark now I have to take care of her.

Soon after I stood up and walked slowly to my room. I fell on my knees on my way there. My head spun and while I tried to get back up. Kayla grabbed my arm and looked down at me.

"Are you ok?" Her face was swelled with tears. My face was a pale white by her view I'm guessing. I coughed and got up. My arms were shaking and I stood up next to her. She walked me to my room while pouring tears onto my shirt.

"I just want to sleep." I rolled onto the bed and puffed. Kayla slightly smiled at me, I smiled slightly back. Soon after I passed out on my bed.

But I woke up soon after hearing a loud knock at the front door.

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