New brother???!!!!!

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On my way to cross me and Taliyah were talking about LA. The original plan was that she would come with me and we could get a big house and share rent but her parents want her to go to college and I'm not going because I want to go LA and see what happens from there. And yes we told them that there a college there but they said they don't care and that she can't move with me until she at least goes to college for 2yrs so we stopped arguing about it about it and just agreed.

Anyway we finally got home and she decided to come in and talk to me and at least spend time with me before I have to go to go La tomorrow and before my mom gets home so my mom can spend time with me to.
But don't worry I'll still visit you and I can always by you a plane ticket so u could come visit. Ok she said and a hour later she left my mom finally came home and she came up to my room so we could talk.
Hey sweetheart she said to me hey I said (G-me M-mom)
G:what's up are you ok
M: yeah,ummm so you know how me and Milow been going out for like 7months now
G:yeah why
M:well I came home a little later because we met up and we are going to get married soon
G:what omg mom I'm so happy for you
M: well......
M:he has a son that your going to meet and his son didn't go to high school so he's obviously not going to college so we are going to have to meet him and then he's maybe going to move in with you.
G:but I already got a apartment since Taliyah isn't moving in with me and what if I don't like him
M:well honey I talked to your dad and he bought you the house and he is going to move in with you if u like it or not period.
G:ooookkkaaayyy ig when do I get to meet him
M:tomorrow and you aren't moving tomorrow you moving Friday so you can get to know him and we can have family night now get some sleep
G:mkay well Gn ily
M:Gn honey
And with that she left but I couldn't sleep I kept thinking what my new brother was going to be like soon enough my body took over me and I fell asleep.

Well hope you like and vote 😘

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Feb 23, 2018 ⏰

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Wait....I'm fallin for my step brother😳Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu