45 | michael ryan

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imagine ; you telling michael about a creepy letter you recieved not knowing that he was the one who wrote it

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imagine ; you telling michael about a creepy letter you recieved not knowing that he was the one who wrote it.

"I mean, it was so, so sweet!" you said with a genuine smile, but that smile turned forced, "but really creepy as well."

"creepy?" michael asked with a suspicious look.

"well," you reached into the pocket on your jacket and revealed the scrunched up paper, then opened it up to read the words on the paper. "dear y/n, i love you more than yesterday and more than all of yesterdays tomorrows." you paused to cringe at the sentence.

"it doesn't sound too bad," michael continued to defend his own writing.

"love is the flower of- this person sounds like they're trying really hard to be a poet," you laughed and michael chuckled lightly. he slowly stopped, raised his hand to his chin and looked off to the side awkardly.

"still doesn't sound so bad."

"michael, it sounds pretty bad," you nodded at him with a grin, "but it's cool of them to try, you know? i dig it."

michael put his attention back on you, "dig what?"

"just the idea of giving me the letter, it was nice."

the ends of michael's lips turned upwards but he forced the smile to disappear.

"i have a feeling that's not the only letter you're getting, y/n."


a/n ; i relate to toni. she put herself in such a rough situation, setting up her mans with her friend. it's tough bro. especially when the people you like don't like your friend but your friend likes them, wait what?

also, sorry for 0 updates. i'm updating this book every thursday now

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