Toys Everywhere

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I have had a little burst of inspiration so if anyone is still reading this trash, enjoy my update that no one knew was coming

You burst through the doors of the toy shop and immediately run off to look at all the stuffed animals.
Mark and your mum walk in after you calmly following you through the isles of toys.
As you run up and down the isle a certain teddy bear catches your eye. It's sitting next to a similar one and they are each holding one side of a heart.

When put together the heart says 'Best Friends Forever'. A bright idea pops into your head and you quickly grab them off the shelf. Running up to Mark and startling him as you shove one of the bears into his hands.
"So we can have friendship bears! It's better than bracelets because these are cute and fluffy and huggable and just look at how cute and fluffy they are!" You squeal as you hop around in the one spot.
"Take a breathe, but yes I do have to agree with you they are cute-" you quickly interrupt him,
"And fluffy!!"
"And fluffy-" you interrupt him for a second time.
"And huggable!! Don't forget about them being huggable!" You excitedly tell him,
"And oh so huggable" he says with a small chuckle as your mum just shakes her head.
"Remember we aren't going to buy the whole store Y/n" your mother says as she looks at you with a stern look.
"I know I know" you grumble as you look around at all the toys.
"Ok so now that we just spent the last two hours here where to next?" You ask as the three of you walk out of the shop.
You had bought the friendship bears for you and Mark, a big blue bunny rabbit for your mum so she has something to remind her of you when you move away, a mini pink moustache for Mark and a little storm cloud key chain for yourself.
(The pic below is what it looks like)

The both of them think about it for a second before Mark says, "how about we go home watch a movie and just enjoy the last few hours we'll be here"

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

The both of them think about it for a second before Mark says, "how about we go home watch a movie and just enjoy the last few hours we'll be here".
"Sounds like a plan! Now let's get home to watch that movie!" I say as you take the lead walking back to the car. Today's been fun but it's the last day that you'll be spending with your mum for awhile.
You'll definitely come back and visit, no one could stop you from doing that, but your not just going to come back straight away.

The car ride was full of loud singing and lots of laughs. Today was one to remember for the rest of your life. You spent the day with your bestest friend ever and your mum, you went window shopping all day and just enjoyed the company of your friend and mum, had lunch, went to the toy shop and was about to watch a movie at home. Oh and you watched a movie in the cinema!
You got home in the nick of time and went to have a shower and get changed into your pjs before the movie.
As you finished your shower and brushed your hair you collected the makeup off of the sink and you grabbed your brush. This was the last time you were going to be using this bathroom for awhile.

With a sigh you opened the door and walked back to your room to see Mark waiting on his bed doing, you guessed it!, what he's always doing, texting. As he sees you enter the room he gives you a warm smile and heads over to the bathroom.

You can't help but smile yourself at seeing his smile. You walk over to your bags and put your makeup and brush into the suitcase.

You were going to have a carry on and a suitcase. The carry on was going to hold your phone, laptop, a neck pillow, a few Disney movies to watch and some other small nick nacks that you felt was necessary.

Once everyone was showered you all sat down for some dinner that your mum quickly whipped up. After dinner you all cuddled onto the couch and got ready with blankets and popcorn to watch the movie.

You decided to go with a Disney movie because who doesn't like Disney? It was one of your favourites, Mulan. After everyone was comfy you started the movie.
Once the movie was over you were so tired and you didn't know why, it was only 7:26. It could have been form the amount of energy you were using today. With a yawn you stood up and stretched your muscles.
"I'm *yawn* going to go to bed now, night night" and with that you pulled yourself down the hall and into your room.

You threw yourself at your bed and let the fluffy blankets take you away to happy dream land.

Washed AwayHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin