Just Like Old Times

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                              *y/n pov*
"Ok I'm ready to answer some of your questions now" you say as you set the now empty plate down.

"Where have you been?" your dad asks you with worry written all over his face,

"Well if you couldn't tell I stayed at Marks' hotel room with him last night" you say gesturing towards Mark who was still sitting by your side,

"Did anything-"

"Do you think I'm the type of girl to run off to someone else the second my soon to be husband dumps me at the alter" you cut your father off looking up at him,

"No no no it's just the 'over protective dad' instinct cut in,sorry" your dad looked down shameful,

"It's ok I'm sorry I'm just stressed and upset about what happened" you say as you feel tears start to build up in your eyes, Mark spots your upcoming tears and quickly changed the subject,

"Do you need anything else to eat?" he asks as you wipe your eyes.

"Y/N YOUR OK" your little cousin came running into the room jumping up on the couch hugging you, you laugh at him, awww he's just too cute,

~time skip cause you know the answer to all the questions they asked~

Once everyone went home after a lot of questions you asked if Mark wanted to stay over the night at yours, " I would love too as long as it's fine with your parents" he says as he helped your mum set the table, you turned to you mum hoping she would say yes,

" Well of cause the answers yes, Mark for one is an old friend, two he helped you out yesterday and three we haven't seen him in like.. how longs it been?"

" It's been around about 9 years mum" you say as you and Mark finish setting the table,

"WHAT, well than that calls for a good old games night so we can all catch up" your mum says as she scurries to the kitchen to check on dinner, you were having a roast chicken with mash potatoes and a salad.

Your dad walked into the kitchen and you over heard your mum telling him that Mark was staying over, you heard him say that he had to go out and do something for work after dinner.

"Hey Mark I bet you that I can beat you in Mario Kart" you said as you made your way over to the lounge room to set up the wii,

"You think you can beat the mighty Markiplier in Mario Kart? Ha such a foolish thing to say" Mark joked as he followed you into the lounge room,

"Ok what ever you say" you say as you roll your eyes,

"Don't roll your eyes at me missy" Mark laughs as he grabs a controller and sits on the couch.

~time skip to when dinner was ready~

"Mmmm what is that amazing smell?" Mark asks once you had beat him once again at Mario Kart,

"That my good friend is my mums famous roast chicken" you giggle as he jumped over the couch whispering parkour and taking a seat at the table were soon you, your mum and your dad sat as well. Dinner was mostly silent except for the clatter of knives and forks against plates.

"This is truly amazing Miss/Mrs Y/L/N" Mark said as he finished off the last of his mashed taters,

"Please call me Y/M/N" your mum said as she too had finished.

"This was amazing, but as I said before I got to go" your father said mostly to your mum. He got up kissed her forehead, rinsed his dishes and put them in the dishwasher before grabbing a jacket and his suit case and walking out to his car.

"Well I guess it's just us then" you said as you finished of the last of your salad.

*Marks Pov*

This dinner was amazing, it reminded me of when I used to come over to y/n's place in the afternoons and I would sometimes stay for dinner.


"Is that your mum calling?" Y/n asks as she set up a game of uno,

"Yeah" I sighed, I had told mum that I was going to be at y/n's place this afternoon so I don't know why she's calling me,

"Maybe she misses you cause ya know your almost at my house every afternoon?" She giggles, oh how I love her giggle,

"Maybe your right" I say as I get up to leave,

"Hey maybe if you invite your mum over so she can meet my parents and she could meet me. Then she wouldn't mind you staying to the time you usually do" Y/n said jumping up from the floor and handing me my phone which I left on the floor, my face brightens

"Your a genius y/n, a pure genius" I say as I text my mum her address while she goes and tells her mum that my mum is coming over,

We had her mums famous roast chicken that night and let me tell you it was amazing.

-End of Flashback-

"We can play some board games for a bit then you two can play the wii or Xbox for awhile"    y/m/n says as she goes to collect the plates off the table,

"Here let me get them" I offer grabbing mine and y/n's plates,

"Thank you Mark" y/m/n says as she hands me her plate, y/n grabs the tray the chicken was on and followed me into the kitchen while her mum wiped down the table.

"It's kinda like old times isn't it?" Y/n said turning to me as I rinse the plates,

"Yeah except my phone isn't going off telling me my mum wanted me home" I said as I moved over and put the plates in the dishwasher,

"Haha no but we are still stupid and reckless" she says as she smiles to herself then continuing to wash the tray.

*Y/N Pov*

~time skip to after they finish playing some board games~

"I'm the QUEEN of monopoly" you shout as Mark just went bankrupt to you,

"What ever, we let you win" Mark says helping pack up the money you had thrown across the board,

" Sorry bout that" you say under your breath, as you help him a small blush makes its way to your cheeks,

"Haha it's fine you were having fun" He chuckles as he finished putting all the money back into the box,

"Hehe ok well night you two if you need me for anything just wake me ok" your mum says as she puts monopoly back on the board game shelf of the bookcase.

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