The Wrong Place And Time

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You have been waiting your whole life for this point. Today is the day you and the best boyfriend ever get married. Nothing and I mean nothing can ruin this day.

You couldn't wait. Today you get married to the love of you life and you get to see your old high school friend, Mark. He had always said he wanted a Youtube career and he got one. Only a few years ago had you found his channel. It took a bit until you realised that THE Markiplier was the Mark you went to school with. You where one of his fans and you weren't ashamed.

Your best friend bf/n was helping you put the dress on. It was by far one of the prettiest dresses you have ever seen.

"This looks really good on you y/n"

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"This looks really good on you y/n"

"You think so?"

" I know so"

"Cause you do bf/n cause you do" you and bf/n chat while she finishes up your hair, makeup and dress. You were so excited you were literally bouncing up and down in your chair. You counted down the minutes till the best thing in the world started.

3 minutes to go

You had now arrived at the church

2 minutes to go

Everyone was seated and ready

1 minute to go

Your dad was getting ready to walk you down the aisles

0 minutes to go

The music started and you dad started walking with you at his arm

This was it, this moment right here will never be forgotten. As you walk everyone was admiring your dress you could tell why, the way the dress just fell perfectly in place to make you look like a princess, you felt like a princess and Alex was your prince. As your eyes scan the crowd one person caught your eye. He had dark brown hair, soft brown eyes and he wore that smile just perfectly. Mark had made it, he flew from LA to be here for you, you.

You snapped out of your thoughts as your dad sat down and you stood in front of your soon to be husband, Alex. He seemed a bit on edge you just brushed it off as nerves. As it got time for the 'I do' s he seemed like he was trying his hardest not to look into your eyes, it hurt a bit.

"Do you, y/n y/l/n take Alex Long to be your wofly wedded husband?"

" I do"

"And do you Alex Long take y/n y/l/n to be you wofly wedded wife?"

The audience is on the edge of their seats and you have the biggest smile on your face, but it starts to drop as he hesitates and stutters.

"I..I..c..can''m..s..sorry..I-" but he's cut off by you running out. As you run towards the near by beach you can hear many people running and shouting you name, you don't care you just keep running which is a bit hard to do in heals and a dress but you some how lose them.

You find peace in the calmness at the beach at this time in the afternoon (your having it in the afternoon btw) it could be the way the sun sits so close to the horizon but doesn't touch it or because the waves are calm or because no one is around to see or hear you cry. You can't believe it, he said that on our wedding day why could he haven't said it sooner an with your best friend, it all hurt you to much to realise that someone was hugging you. Two firm arms had wrapped themselves around you and the person was whispering comforting things to you."Its ok" "We're all here for you" "shhh just let it out" the voice belongs to a man, his voice was soothing and you soon found that you had stopped crying.

You looked up to see the one person you have been dying to see for 9 years. (He was two grades a head of you so he's 27 and your 25) Mark.

He smiles down at you as he slowly lets go, his smile just makes you melt.

"Y/n are you ok?"

"Y..yeah...i...i..I'" you said between small sniffs.

"Thats good, now lets get you out of that dress and clean you up"

"Where a.are we g..going to g..go" you say as you stand up and look at Mark

"My hotel room is close by we could walk there or we could go back to the church and you could go home" Mark says as he takes you hand, waiting for your answer

"No I don't want to go back we can just walk back to your hotel room" you really did not want to go back to the church and face all your friends and family, so you start to walk with Mark, in bare feet, to his hotel. He guides you into a small room on the first floor

"Ill go grab one of my shirts and a some shorts for you" Mark says as he walks into a small room off the side to the main living area which had a small table, a 'kitchen' and a couch with a tv, nothing to fancy. Mark reenters the room holding his Markiplier shirt and some boxers for you

"It might be a bit big but its all I got, sorry"

"No its ok Mark, anything is better than this dress" you say as you give him a warm smile.

"You can change in the bathroom if you want and if you want a shower the towels are in the cabinet under the sink" Mark says as he leads you to another door, as you step inside you can see a small mirror to your left and a shower and toilet to your right. You close the door and lock it just in case, next you grab a towel from the cabinet and place it on the sink. You strip out of the dress and slip under the warm water. The warm water rushing over your body is one of the best things to feel right now, it just helps you unwind from everything that has happened just now.

Once you finished your shower you put on the cloths Mark gave to you. You had to use the clips in your hair to hold the boxers up so they wouldn't slip off your slim waist. You love being in over sized shirts it made you feel comfortable. You fold the dress up and dry your hair before stepping out of the bath room and joining Mark on the couch.

"Im sorry for what happened today"

"Mark it wasn't you fault you don't have to apologise"

"Hey do you want pizza?"

"That would be amazing after what just happened"

Mark chuckled "ok well Ima go call domino's and order us a f/p/f (fav pizza flavour) if thats ok with you"

"OMG thats my fav flavour as well I can't believe me and markiplier share the same favourite pizza flavour" you say joking around with him, he just chuckles and orders the pizza. Now that you think about it Mark has gotten like way cuter and his smile it just makes you melt it has always made you melt ever since you first met him. You remember that you had a small crush on him for a bit but it faded after you and mark had become best friends and you didn't see him that way anymore.

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