Dipper x F!Reader: Catch

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You and Dipper were outside in the front yard of the Mystery Shack playing catch. You both tossed the old baseball back and forth and laughed. Seeing Dipper just seemed to make your heart flutter. There was just something about his personality and cute smile that made you melt like ice cream in a hot spring. You were so lost in thought you didn't notice the baseball heading for your head until it was too late. Next thing you knew, you were laying on the ground. Things then went black as you fainted.

You awoke on a soft bed. A blurry figure was in front of your face, but your vision focused on Dipper. You smelled him on the bed. 'That sounds kinda creepy.' You thought. "Y/n? Are you awake?" You slowly sat up. "Y-yeah. What happened?" Dipper eyes suddenly darted around the whole room but your face. "I-I hit you with the baseball while we were playing catch... and you kinda passed out." "Oh.." You felt your face and winced when you touched your left eye. "I kinda gave you a black eye.." "Oh.."

Things were quite for what felt like an eternity. "Are you okay Dipper?" He suddenly looked up at you with a shocked face. "I hit you in the face with a baseball and you ask me if I'm okay?!?" You giggled at his reaction. "Yeah, but you led me up here, let me rest in your bed, and you stayed here with me to make sure I was okay." He looked down for a moment or two, before cracking a small smile. He then gave you a hug. "I'm okay now.. But I helped you because..." He let go and looked you in the eye with a red as rose blush. "I... like you.." He whispered quietly, but not too quietly. You smiled widely and kissed him. He was shocked at first, but started to slowly mold into the kiss. He pushed you on you back, laying you down, and you both broke apart for air. You both then went straight back to kissing. Words were not needed. You belonged to each other in this moment and for a very long time.

The End

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