Cassian smiled at us, "well I came to give Rey her present," he pulled a box out of his jacket. Rey came running back over as he handed it to her, "and to take my two favorite girls out for breakfast. What do you say?"

I smiled at him, "don't you have work?"

"Rhysand let me have the day off," he gave me another lazy smile. It was that crooked smile I had loved so much growing up.

I used to think I was in love with that smile. Maybe one day I had developed a crush on my best friend. But over the years I knew it would turn into nothing. Because Cassian was destined for bigger and better things than being here with me. He could have any girl he wanted, he would never choose me.

Friends was all I needed. After what Tomas did to me I didn't think about men anymore. He used me and then took what he wanted. I still had nightmares. Sometimes I would wake up screaming and Feyre would come crawl into bed with me. She was my other saving grace.

I stopped Rey from tearing open her present, "what do you say to Ashian for you present, young lady?"

She giggled, "fank you Ashian!"

She threw her arms around his waist, they barely even hit his back. He hugged her, but his eyes were watching me. He was always watching me. He was always making sure I was okay. At first I thought it was because of how everything had happened to bring us to this moment. But now, now I wasn't quiet sure.

"Let me get the little one dressed," I sighed as she stood between us, "want to go with Ashian to the diner?"

She nodded, "yeah!"

Cassian melted whenever she looked at him. He was puddy in her hand ever since I brought her home. We may not be together, but he helped me with every diaper, every feeding. He even took turns getting up with her at nighttime when she cried. He stayed here so much that first month Feyre threatened to charge him rent. And like the good man he is he offered her some.

Looking back now I never had a nightmare when he was sleeping beside me.

"I'll wait here," he sat down at the counter as I picked my child back up. I kissed his cheek and then Rey did too.

"Thank you Ashian," I whispered softly as he blushed

"You know you're my girls," he pushed my hair behind my ears, "now let's go before they start serving lunch!"

I smiled as Rey giggled louder. I walked with her, bouncing her in my arms as we walked up the stairs. My little girl was so happy. I couldn't believe how lucky I had gotten. It was a marvel to realize one of my darkest moments brought me the brightest spot in my life.

Feyre yawned as she opened her bedroom door, "hey guys. Happy birthday Rey."

My sister and I had never been close. It wasn't until I showed up here crying and soaked through with rain that we bonded. When I found out I was pregnant I came here. I had no idea why, but I knew Feyre would be a better choice than Elain. And I was right. She brought me in, listened to what happened, and then told me that her spare room was ours.

She promised to help me, to support whatever decision I made. That night, three years ago she was the older sister. Because she never judged me, never asked me if it was my fault. Instead she held my hand as I cried and promised no matter what this baby would be surrounded by love.

After I pulled myself together she called Cassian. Both of them put together helped heal my heart. Maybe that's why I decided to keep my baby. Because the two people I cared most about where the ones who told me everything would be okay. Maybe I just needed to hear it from them. Their support made it easier to tell everyone about my pregnancy.

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