Knives and Hearts- JtK X Reader Ch. 5

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You awaken slightly to cold air, though not as cold as last night, and a slight movement next to you. Without opening your eyes you mumble something unintelligible and scoot closer to the body next to you, cuddling up to it for warmth. Then you hear a grunt and open your eyes suddenly, looking around in confusion a moment before remembering where you are. That's right, you had been kidnapped by the infamous Jeff the Killer and stuck with him for 3 days after he had been for some reason or other, unable to kill you. Your eyes widen as you notice your closeness and the fresh blood soaking the already stained once white hoodie he wore.

You sat there in thought, remembering he had left suddenly last night because if he hadn't it seemed he may hurt you, he couldn't control his violent urges any more than someone could control hunger. Your look softens a little and you look down at his sleeping form, a dry washcloth over his unclosing eyes. For whatever reason, you had started falling for this killer. Because underneath the morbid, ruthless murderer, there was still a shell of a human in there. A human that still had normal, caring feelings and emotions hidden under the insanity. He didn't deserve to be entirely alone for his mental problems. It seemed as if there were a demon in his mind that would take over if it went to long without being fed.

You sat up, not wanting to wake Jeff because you were unsure how late he had gotten back, but you werent sure what to do. You looked outside and it seemed only a couple hours from being dark but you couldn't be sure. There wasn't much TO do really. You longed for a book, a computer, some kind of cleaning, anytihng normal. You looked around, gently getting up so as not to disturb him and padded to the kitchen, surely with all the crap left behind there had to be some kind of cleaning supplies in here. You opened cabinets and rummaged through the few randomly remaining items on the shelves. Finally you found a bottle of unlabled cleaner of some kind and a roll of partially used brown paper towles.

You spray down the counters, ripping off a few towels and absentmindedly cleaning the kitchen. Yes it was pointless as the two of you probably weren't going to stay here but it gave you something to do, something to keep you occupied so you didnt overthink anything.

About half an hour later you heard shuffling footsteps come up behind you and you turn around, a half smile of your face. "Good morning, Jeff." You nod to him and he nods back silently, walking over to inspect what you're currently doing. He gave you what you guessed was a confused look, if he had eyebrows you were certain one would be raised questioningly but his forehead crinkled a bit.

"I woke up and got bored. It was just something normal to do..." You say, an embarassed blush coming to your features slightly. You cursed yourself internally agian. 'Why does he make me feel like this?!' You growl inwardly, 'He's a murderer for shit's sake!'

"Do you get bored so easily?" He asked hesitantly, seemingly not sure what to say. It seemed that regular conversation with someone other than himself was something he wasn't terribly used to and it maybe even made him nervous at times. You see the look on his face and attempt to hold back a quiet chuckle.

"Yeah, I ususally have to keep myself busy so I don't start overthinking things. It's the only way I know to be somewhat normal." You explain. You were both damaged beings, you had realized, though those ways were a bit different in, it made you seem sympathetic to eachother. "But theres not much to do around here. I must admit I miss my books, computer, video games and such, I could always keep myself occupied with them. Also I kinda miss having clothes of my own as well, more than just one outfit. a shower sounds so nice right now. I feel greasy and gross." You admit, hoping you dont come off sounding like a whiny child. "It's too bad we couldnt head back and hide out at my place for a day or so, grab some of my things and I can take a shower. But I'm guessing that would be too risky, huh? " You end dejectedly.

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