Knives and Hearts- JtK X Reader Ch. 3

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~About an hour and a half later~

"Could you run any fucking slower?!" Jeff growled, while pulling your arm as you both ran through the moonlit forest, his face contorting into what you thought was an attempt at an annoyed frown. With that smile permanently cut into his face it was hard to tell. You thought after what had happened at the warehouse that the two of you were on decent terms at least to the point he wasn't planning on killing you, at least not for the moment anyway.

"S-Sorry. I'm trying." You say quietly, running as hard as you can and breathing heavily. "Um, How far are we going?" You ask hesitantly, trying not to annoy him. Part of you didn't want to run too terribly far from your town, just incase you needed to get away and try to make it home.

"There's a small maintenance building for a nearby power plant a little ways from the next town over. It's close to here, we will stop there for a while." He grinned "I'll have to kill the maintenance guy though, but we won't stay there for long. " You were still wondering to yourself why he still hasn't killed you yet, but at least he wasn't trying to. Logic would dictate that it was because you'd helped him, but you weren't sure how far logic would go with an insane person.

You both ran on in silence then, not sure what to say, you kept silent. You didn't know what could set him off and weren't going to find out. After a little while you got to the maintenance building. It was a small red brick building, looking big enough to only likely have a main, office like room and a rest room. One outside wall was covered by a metal plate and what you thought of as a shit ton of large wires and switches. It probably supplied power to everyone in the area. This did seem like a fairly small town.

Jeff crept up to the building, peeking in one of the windows to see what was inside. You stayed a little ways back, not wanting to get in his way...or see him kill another person so soon after the police officers. His way of killing was gory and brutal and almost made you sick to just think about it. Especially when you think that it could be you next. You push that thought and the bile that instantly rises in your throat down and look at him as he sneaks towards the door. "There's just one guy here, and he doesn't appear to have any kind of weapon quickly and easily within reach. This will be a piece of cake." He whispered to you, smirking, that insane, sadistic look he had when he killed the police officer starting to show on his face again.

Jeff waited until the guy walked into the building's restroom and turned the handle of the door slowly, silently slipping into the dimly lit room and just as quietly shutting it again. At least he wasn't going to make you watch or go in to help him or anything. Though curiosity got the best of you anyway, you tip-toed up to the same window Jeff had been looking into and peek your head around to look in as well. You saw no signs of the killer in the room, but he was likely hiding in a dark corner, awaiting his victim.

You saw a sliver of light brighten the room and then go out as the man came out of the rest room. You hid making sure you weren't seen as you continued to watch. He slid back into his computer chair at the only desk in the room and sipped at a mug of what you guessed was coffee. You then saw a flash of white and black as Jeff slunk over quickly behind the man. And with a swift flick he slashed his knife's silver glinting blade over the man's throat before he had time to even notice Jeff was there. You saw the man sputter, choke, and cough up blood, much more spraying from his gashed throat up onto the desk, computer screen, and wall as his body slumped over his desk, twitched, and went completely still.

In a way you were surprised he dispatched the guy so quickly without any mad stabbing, and were thankful for it, though you had to admit a small part of you, for some sick reason couldn't stop looking into the room at the scene before you. The same part, you guessed, that enjoyed beating the police officer's skull in with the pipe. Jeff turned to the window, covered in blood and hands dripping it, somehow sensed you were watching and nodded for you to enter. You hesitantly open the door, instantly wishing you hadn't. The blood and flesh smell from the freshly dead corpse was already beginning to permeate the closed off room. "C-Can we leave this open and air it out a bit?" You ask nervously. "Doesn't bother me, but if you want. Better yet I'll dump him somewhere in the forest nearby. That'll keep police busy for a little while when they find this place empty and blood everywhere anyway." He chuckled, slipping his blade safely back into his hoodie pocket.

Jeff picked the man up with ease and slumped him over his shoulder, not even bothering to worry about the blood flowing from the man's neck onto his clothes, and headed out the door, giving you a stern 'stay here' look before closing it. You were still wearing his hoodie so at least that was spared. You really needed to get a shirt soon though. You wanted to wash the hoodie so bad it wasn't funny. Call it OCD or germaphobia, frankly it was just dirty, sweaty, bloody, and stunk. Running while he was gone crossed your mind, but you likely wouldn't get far. You didn't know the area, so your chances either way weren't looking so great. You sat up on the part of the desk untouched by blood and looked out the window, lost in thoughts of what could happen next.

You sat there swinging your feet, hitting them into the desk with light bangs, still spacing out when the door creaked back open and Jeff walked back in, wiping his bloody hands on his clothes.

Jeff cackled to himself, "It'll take forever for them to find that damn body, now. " He then walked into the bathroom, you guessed to clean the blood from his hands and knife, since he didn't shut the door. You walked slowly over, a question forming in your mind. " you ever get lonely? I mean, doesn't seem very social." You ask quietly.

It takes him a moment to answer, as if he's lost in thought. "Sometimes...yeah. Hard to get along with other people when all you want to do usually is kill them. Plus who wants to be around someone when they think they could wake up one night with a knife in their chest." He said in a surprising, almost gentle way, and gave a short, unamused chuckle.

He surprises you by turning towards you, leaning forward and putting his hands on either side of the wall above your head so that you have to back up hard against the wall, swallowing hard and eyes widening in fear. "But you. I don't have a desire to kill you anymore. It pisses me off...but I's also kind of nice. Either way, I can't let you go now, and killing you is obviouisly not working out. But I can see that you're still afraid of me." He gave another unamused laugh.

He growled, obviously in annoyance at himself after thinking for a moment, and thrust his head forward. You press as far against the wall as possible, your eyes widening completely. Your breath catches in your throat and you hold it, keeping still as you feel his rough, burnt lips crash into your own. After a moment of having his unblinking eyes staring back at yours, you squeeze them shut tight, not knowing what to do.

Suddenly you feel him pull back again and you open your eyes "I take people's pain away by killing them, but it'll be long before I can take away my own. So much work to be done. It WOULD be nice if I had something to help keep my mind off of it..." He says quietly, trailing off and looking at you in a way you hadn't seen him look before. Almost a soft, gentle look, but with a slight gleam of possessiveness that made you slightly uneasy. Though with his face so menacingly disfigured that was nearly impossible. You felt yourself relax slightly though, obviously he was trying to control himself around you. You kind of pittied him, alone all this time with no one who cared about him. Though that didn't change the fact that he was a dangerous psychopath and a killer. You didn't know if you could deal with being with him or for how long, especially watching him kill more people the way he had the last two, and you certainly didn't want to join him in doing so. But he did have an odd attractive quality to him the more time you spent with him.

(Sorry the chapter is a bit on the short side) 

Knives and Hearts - Creepypasta Jeff the Killer X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now