Review: The Custard Apple

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Reviewed by: jash_parikh

We will start your review in a specific order...

Cover: Perfect. Everything here looks eye catching and beautiful. One of the most beautiful covers I've come across so far. For this you get 1/1.

Title: Unique would be an understatement. I have no idea how relevant it is to your characters or the plot, but that makes reading this book more desirable. For this you get 1/1.

Description: Okay I would say marvelous language and creates an amazing sense of emptiness and mystery. This emptiness makes me wonder whether this story is dark, romantic, a bit of both or sci-fi [(?) it is mentioned in your tags]. But then I draw a blank, since basically you do not write at all what the story is about Perhaps some introduction of the plot, story-line, characters, setting in which the story is developed or at least a small excerpt from the book would be required to judge whether I really wanna read this book or not. It does create a sense of dark mystery, but senses are seldom enough to read a book. For this you get 0.8/1. Marks have been awarded because to a high extent merely these two lines are capable of pulling crowd and the language used is above par.

Beginning: The prologue has occasional grammatical errors and the ending "my story, my song.." is sort of a cliche. Also, you have total liberty in this area, but dude honestly if you spoke the way your protagonist does when you were twelve you must've been a genius! That kind of word flow, sentence formation and vocab is unusual for a 12 year old, don't you think? In the first chapter you have sometimes switched the POV by mistake. Some places have 'me' while some have 'him'. You have already stressed so many times to the fact that the protagonist is 12 that now honestly it becomes annoying. And once again not just the language but the maturity of the meaningful words spoken by your overly publicized 12 year old seem too surreal. I mean, okay I understand language may come from being a rare genius or something but that maturity? That only comes with experience. Hence I would judge this s awfully wrong character development. This is perhaps the only book I've ever judges that will loose marks for using rich vocab...Coming to the plot, not much has happened so far in the three chapters, not to mention your chapters were too small. But whatever was written, I liked it. It was new, interesting and seemed completely original so full marks to you there. For this you get 1.65/2.

Your total score is: 4.45/5.


Jash_parikhWhere stories live. Discover now