Review: After Human

51 3 17

Reviewed by: jash_parikh

We will start the review in a specific order...

Cover: Gives a kind of retro vibe, but still looks good. Creativity wise, decent. For this you get 0.95/1.

Title: After in After Human race...? Shouldn't it be After Human's', then? Well anyways I will count this creativity rather than grammatical error as you are allowed things in a title. It's unique, but doesn't quite have that intriguing ring to it. For this you get 0.85/1.

Description: Rich Vocabulary is sprayed throughout the description, clearly shows your knowledge. It sadly also shows your lack of grammar skills. A lot of misplaced words, confused tenses and misuse of word-tense could be seen throughout the short description. Like for example, blood doesn't 'shred'. It 'sheds'. "Twins will brought oblivion..." should be "Twins will BRING oblivion..." And if you are using ancient language, use "shall" in place of "will". There are a few others too but I can't list them all. The effort was tremendous, the result not so much. Consider editing strongly, because when you use rich vocab and jumble up tenses it becomes very hard to understand what you are trying to convey. For this you get 0.7/1. This score would've been a 0.3-0.45 had it not been for your language.

Beginning: The terminologies and the information is creative, your efforts are commendable. Although a few minor grammar mistakes could be seen I will ignore them here, impressed by your imagination skills and efforts. The rules are also interesting. The pictures were great as well. Introducing a character cast is always the best way to start. You will get points for this. Then comes the main chapters. Sadly (And I'm very sorry to say this) the chapters look written by a child who learned to use a thesaurus. Your words are great but at places they are misplaced. Your tenses are a mess all over the place, and honestly all the efforts taken so far, all the hard work coming up with the plot almost prove futile.

Had it been a competition of Plots, I would have largely considered you to to be one of the winners. But since I have to judge every aspect, I have to say that you are below par. Some parts of your story do not even make sense. But you are a great writer, you just lack that command over English. A writer's tool is imagination, and that you have. Consider getting the book edited and I assure you you'll be going places with this piece. Keeping in mind all these aspects you get 0.75/2.

Your total score is: 3.25/5. Your Vocabulary and choice of words saved you here else this might have been well under 2.0/5. At the same time your grammar sunk you here else this might have been well over 4.3/5.


Jash_parikhWhere stories live. Discover now