I didn't know ...

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Alfie's pov

I walked into the garden to see Zoe and jack kissing my heart dropped I didn't know what to do I just stood their in shock looking at Zoe who looked very sorry but I just left I didn't say anything I just turned and left to go back to my house

Zoe: ALFIE WAIT! *running after alfie who was just leaving the door*

Finn: jack! Zoe and Alfie r going out!!! Zoe didn't tell you

Jack: she was gonna say something but I kissed her before she could tell me ahh man *looking worried*

Joe: I'll go see what's happened

Alfie: Zoe! How could u kiss jack!

Zoe: I was just about to tell him when he kissed me I tried to pull away but I couldn't alfie I'm sorry *with tears pouring down her face*

Alfie: I thought you where better than that Zoe

Just then jack came running followed by Louise and joe and Finn

Jack: Alfie wait ! *standing in front of his car*

Alfie: jack move!

Jack: Alfie listen I didn't know it's my fault don't be angry at Zoe it's my fault

And with that Finn pulled jack back as Alfie drove off leaving Zoe crying and Louise hugging her and joe looking at Alfie's car in the distance as did jack and Finn

Louise pov

It was all a rush to be honest once jack and Zoe where talking the next their where kissing and alfie wasn't happy with that I'm so sorry for my chummy she must be in a muddle at the moment jacks so sorry for alfie he didn't know about it and Finns just trying to fix it and joes doing the same

Joe: Zoe come here *hugging zoe* he'll come back don't worry

Zoe: thanks joe *sniffing and trying to stop crying*

Jack just went inside and sat on the sofa and just said nothing it looked like he was thinking or about to cry

Finn: jack u ok? *walks in the living room and sits next to jack*

Jack: I feel so bad Zoe was gonna tell me about her and alfie but I didn't let her speak im so stupid

Zoe,Louise and joe walked in joe on the phone and Louise trying to make Zoe feel better

Jack: Zoe I'm so sorry I should of let u speak I'm really truly sorry

Zoe: it's ok jack I'll sort it with alfie yeah *smiles*

Jack: r u sure it's ok I mean I messed everything up I feel like I should sort this out *gets up and walks to his car followed by finn*

Finn: I'll make sure he doesn't do anything that he shouldn't do don't worry Zoe *hugs Zoe and leaves*

Joes phone convo

J- oh hi Caspar u ok ?

C- yeah just landed where r u?

J- I'm at Louise's with Zoe and Alfie was here same as jack and Finn

C- oh ok I'll be at home do I need to do anything?

J- don't think so is it just u staying their ??

C- Marcus Tanya and Jim are coming over Naomi has got to go for a meeting so she can't come

J- I'll come later just need to be with Zoe right now

C- what's happened?

J- oh I'll tell u later

C- oh ok bye joe

J- bye casp

Phone call ends

Louise: who was that?

Joe: Caspar

Zoe: have they landed yet?

Joe: yeah they him Tanya Jim and marcus r going round mine and caspars soon I said that I'd go later do u guys want to go to?

Louise: maybe depends what's happened since then

Zoe: yeah *smiles*

Joe: alright *smiles*

Meanwhile at Alfie's jack and Finn arrived

Finn: Alfie can we talk to u please

Alfie: alright *lets them in his house and they all sat in the living room*

Finns pov

Me and jack entered Alfie's house and sat on the sofa to talk about the whole situation it went very well I think and alfie and jack are fine now and alfie said that he'd ring Zoe to see if she's ok and then he said do we want to play a game of Mario brothers with him because it was a 4 player so their was room and he's did a collab on his alfie games channel which was fun and obvesly the best on won me and me and jack went home

Alfie and Zoe's phone convo

Alfie: Zoe I'm sorry I was mad but I know it wasn't your fault it was jacks but we and jack have sorted it out now I hope your ok? Love u little one

Zoe: yeah I'm fine please come over I want to give u a big hug because I was so sceared that you would leave me love u to alfie

Alfie: sure I'll come over u still at Louise's ?

Zoe: yeah me and joe are and I think Caspar is having a party at his and joes apartment wanna go?

Alfie: why not see u at 6 love u

Zoe: bye love u to

The phone convo ended

Louise: all sorted chummy?

Zoe: yes!

Louise: yay chummy!!!

Joe: I'm so glad that drama is over

Zoe: same ladies coming at 10 so we've got an hour to get ready for the party

Joe: that's cool I've got my washed clothes from Florida

Zoe: same *looking excited*

A hour later Louise alfie joe and Zoe where at joes and caspar's apartment and everyone was their and talking joe told Caspar about the whole jack Zoe alfie thing but it was all over one and everyone was friends and Zoe Alfie and joe where talking about black gang chine we're they where going tomorrow so all was good

Hope u enjoyed this chapter guys I'm sorry I used jack he's the only person who didn't know about Zoe and Alfie and who would fit with Zoe so I'm sorry about that anyways please vote and comment and while your reading this if u like zalfie or JLS or just YouTube please subscribe to me stephanie Kirman thanks that would mean a lot xxxx

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