"Draco?! Ewwww! That is probably the most disgusting and repulsive mental image I've ever had! He's like my best friend Hermione!"

"Ok, ok! I was just curious."

I told you so.

"Well, the answer's no. Especially now, anyways. I have got nought chance with Draco." She said and quietly chuckled... did I miss something?

"Why? You're amazing! Any guy would be lucky to have you." I said smiling in what I hoped was an reassuring style.

"Thanks 'Mione. But it's not that. I mean, I think I probably would have a chance, if Draco wasn't utterly in love with Potter-" She slapped her hand over her mouth straight after her words had tumbled out like what seemed was an uncontrollable avalanche.

"In-in love?! With H-Harry?!" I stuttered, eyes wide with disbelief.

"Shit, shit, SHIT! I was not meant to say that!" I could tell she was totally freaking out. And I don't blame her. If Malfoy knew, he'd skin her alive... assuming he really is in love with Harry.

"It's ok Pans, calm down! I'm not gonna tell anyone, I swear on my life, his secret's safe with me." I said in what I wanted to be a comforting tone... but it just sounded plain sarcastic. I've never really had any girl friends before and hanging around boys all my life hasn't really provided me with great people-skills... no sexism intended.

"Ok, ok," she seemed to be trying to assure herself rather then responding to my 'comforting' words. "Thanks 'Mione. And please don't tell Draco I told you. He said he really appreciates me keeping this secret for so long and I don't wanna break his trust." I felt so bad, she looked on the verge of tears.

Maybe I should tell her?

"It's ok Pansy, it's fine, I won't. Also, you said you've been keeping this secret for a long time... how long has he had a crush on Harry?" She looked hesitant to answer. "Come on, Pans. You've already told me the biggest part, you might as well elaborate."

"Ugh fine." She rolled her eyes playfully. "Talk about peer-pressure." She mumbled after and I gave a her a short glare. "Ok, fine. So, since 3rd year basically. Apparently Potter came back from the summer looking 'gorgeous and breath-taking' and he had 'blossomed over the month they had been apart'." She said making a lovey-dovey face and batting her eyelashes before promptly changing her expression and making gagging noises. I just laughed. "And from then on, he was just simply obsessed."

"Wow." I said... not really having anything else to say. "I literally can't imagine Malfoy being in love." I finished thoughtfully.

"Yeah, well. If you're friends with him, an infatuated Draco is quite a common sight to behold. He always goes into that kinda of dreamy state after just seeing the guy. And you're smart; so you can probably work out what he's like after they've had an argument. Christ..." she said, her eyes rolling ( damm she does that a lot... how do her eyes not get tired? ) in clear judgement of her friend that wasn't here.

"That sounds pretty funny." I said, giggling slightly.

"Not really. He just has to wank a lot."

Silence for about 14 solid seconds.

We then suddenly both burst into fits of giggles at the same time while I was pretending to throw up and her eyes were glistening with tears from laughter.

Once we had both started to calm down Pansy ruined it again.

"So. Anyway. I just told you Draco's biggest secret. And now, you need to tell me Potter's." She said with one raised eyebrow and a classic Slytherin-smirk.

"I-I can't! That's not fair on Harry!" I tried to reason. Apparently that wasn't good enough though.

"Nope. Don't care. Spill." She demanded.

"But Pansy-"


"Ugh fine!" I said, defeated. I'm such a bad friend.

I'm sorry, Harry. But it's for your own good.

"Just promise you won't tell anyone. Especially not Harry or Malfoy."

"Fine, fine! I promise." She said, rolling her eyes and placing a hand over her heart.

"Ok... here we go..." I started, taking deep breaths, "Harry has a huge crush on...o-on...umm"

"Oh come on, 'Mione! Spill it!"

"On..." I took a dramatic pause...

Cuz I'm an annoying little shit.


M a l f o y."

emotions gone wild |DRARRY| (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now