I'm done.

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You probably knew this was gonna happen right? Yeah... I've decided I'm not going to continue any of my stories.  I know its stupid, 'why would you start a story and not Finish it?' Why? Cause Im just not good at making stories, that's not who I am.  I just thought,  'Yeah,  I'm just gonna make a story cause I wanna choose what happens.. ' and some shit like that. (Excuse my language X3) I also don't want to continue because they are shit and I don't update so wtf  I'm just gonna end it here. Too cringy for me to re-read them XD. I also got school,  also known as HELL. In year 10 now and I got 2 more freaking years left. I'm scaring myself.  Too much of a child to get over the fact that I will have to go to collage...  Crap..  Its gonna start all over again..  But MUCH MUCH worse..  I'm not ready!!  Why am I talking about school?  Lol.


I'm surprised my stories even got that many views..  (Such a waste of views...  Fuck.) Am I swearing too much?  XD.  So... Yeah, no more stories from me >-<. Maybe I'll delete them idk..

Please don't blow up the comment section with awful comments.. (I'll probably get no comments at all 😝.)  So.. this was gonna happen sooner or later of course..  I don't see the point of keeping them if I'm not gonna update. 

Soz for wasting your time

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Soz for wasting your time.

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