It Started With a Bet (Baekhyun)

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Happy Birthday, Baekhyun oppa! 💕


Your POV

"Hey, _______!" called your brother, Jongdae.

"Neh, oppa?"

"Baekhyun's looking for you everywhere. Are you two playing hide and seek again?"

"Aniyoo, opp-" you tried to deny but someone cut you off.

"HA! I found you, _____!" Baekhyun suddenly appeared.

"Yah! You were following me thinking I would lead you to her huh?" Jongdae exclaimed.

Baekhyun just laughed at held the peace sign.

"Well, you found me. Can I go hangout in your dorm, Chen oppa?" you asked your brother.

Jongdae scratched his head and said yes.

While walking to their dorms, you realised how close you and Baekhyun have been in just a year. Baekhyun is your oppa's bestfriend and you two became bestfriends too. Well... You have been bestfriends with all the members of EXO so not a really big deal.

But...... the thing is your feelings for Baekhyun is developing. But you can't tell him because you probably will end up getting hurt and it would destroy your friendship.

You reached EXO's dorm. When you entered, greetings from the members rained.

"Annyeong, _____!" Suho in his smile greeted.

"Oh, _____! You're here again!" Luhan said.

"_____ noona! Did you buy me bubble tea?" Sehun asked.

Of course he would ask that. The both of you are bubble tea lovers. You took the bubble tea you bought for him out of your backpack and gave it to Sehun.

"_____-yah! Did they give you a hard time while you're walking?" Kyungsoo asked.

You laughed and shook your head.

"Aniyo, Kyungsoo oppa. They were a bit quiet and trolling a bit."

After the greetings and talks you sat down on the couch and Baekhyun sat next to you.

"Look at them." Baekhyun suddenly whispered to you.

"Look at who?" You asked.

"Chanyeol and Kai. They obviously like each other."

"WHAT? They do not!" You hissed in whisper.

"Let's make a bet then!" he said.

"Err. Okay." you hesitantly replied.

"They're gay and they'll be together."

"I bet you they're not gay!"

"What's the prize then?" he asked.

"If I win, you'll do whatever I want for an hour. If you win, I'll do whatever crap you want me to do for an hour!"



When you entered EXO's dorm, you saw Chanyeol and Kai kissing. Your eyes went out of its sockets and you literally wanted to pass out.

"YAH! Chanyeol! Jongin! _____ is here so stop corrupting my sister!"

They immediately broke apart and Jongdae started shaking you.

"Ya! Dongsaeng! You ok?"

You finally got the courage to speak.


It came out like a stutter and all Jongdae can do is sigh.

"I'll take her to my room so that she can stop hyperventilating." Baekhyun offered. Your older brother just gave a thumbs up.

When you two are finally in his room, he smirked.

"_____!! I WON THE BEEET!"

"Ugh. What do you want me to do?"

After asking that, Baekhyun pulled you into a deep long kiss. After what seems forever you finally broke apart and stared at him with wide eyes. (Yes as wide as Kyungsoo's.)


"I've been wanting to do that since forever. Look, _____. I like you. Like a lot. No wait wait. I don't like you. I love you. So can you be my jagi?"

You stared at him with wide eyes and open mouth. Then you closed your mouth and smiled.

"Just for an hour?"

"Ani! How about forever?"

Instead of a reply, you just pressed your lips against his.

When you broke apart he said, "I'll take that as a yes then."


MY BABY! aka Byun Baekhyun! SARANGHAE! You can't be 23! Becauseeeeeee! Oh well... age doesn't matter. I Love You, Byun Baekhyunnie! You and your eyeliner and i just can't-omfg.

Saranghae. Aishiteru. Wo ai ni. Mahal kita. Je't aime. 💕


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