C h a p t e r T w e n t y f i v e

Start from the beginning

"Oh, so ya'll aren't actually dead?" Thomas asked jokingly, but actually seemed somewhat relieved.

My face flushed red, as I realised if I was not such a wimp, we may have been back in about five minutes. Hercules shook his head and began making a fire. I observed his method closely, in case I would need it for future reference. He noticed out of the corner of his and smirked at me - I must have been staring at him! I quickly looked away, before I started stammering.

"U-umm... Lafayette?" I turned to face where a quiet voice was coming from, to see James sat on the log next to me, "You don't suppose - o-of course if it isn't too much trouble - that we could... talk?"

"Oh... of course we can, mon ami!" I smiled, feeling proud that I was already making friends. He returned by giving a small smile and stood up, beginning to head towards his tent. A little confused, I followed into the tent and sat down, facing him. I smiled awaiting whatever he was going to say.

"Are you- I mean, do you- I-I-I'm sorry, it doesn't matter," he began stammering. We were almost the same person.

"You can ask me if you want, I-I don't mind."

"Do you... like Hercules?" he asked, and immediately regretted saying it, as he saw my face go a deep crimson. How was I meant to answer to that? Of course I did... but if anyone overheard, I'd die - he'd stop talking to me forever, "Oh n-no, I'm so sorry! T-that was a stupid question..."

"It's o-okay..."

We sat in silence for a little, unsure of what to say. I couldn't just walk out, but staying in there was almost as bad. An atmosphere of awkwardness hung over the room, as we both tried to figure out whether to say something or stay silent.

"... I g-guess I thought you'd make a great c-couple," James stated quietly, but then began stammering again.

"No, no- I didn't mean-"

"Merci!" before I knew it, I had blown my cover. He smiled at me, happy that he hadn't upset me. Actually, it made me the happiest person alive to know that someone thought we could be together, even if we could not.

"Y-you, won't tell him, will you?" I whispered, as my stomach plummeted.

"Only if you don't tell Thomas," was his whispered reply, just as nervous as I sounded.

"Wait why w- Oh... Ohh. Well, of course not, mon ami!" I replied, realising what he meant. Oh mon deiu, I was foolish for not realising how cute they would be!

We heard Thomas call us from outside the tent, that the food was ready, and smiled as we left to eat. I knew that I would be able to trust James, and I would never tell another person's secret, even if they told mine. However, it would be so much easier if I was just open with my feelings - or it would remain a secret forever!

Herc's POV

"I'm just saying, Gale and Katniss are so much better for each other!" Alex exclaimed, doing one of his signature 'petty eye rolls'. The conversation the two lovers were having went from the topics of John hogging the Netflix subscription to watch RuPaul's Drag Race, to which is the best couple in the Hunger Games. I too rolled my eyes, and went back to cooking the food. Sometimes, I wonder how the hell I ever became friends with those two: actually, it involved me, John, a dare, a small rock, and Charles Lee's head. We met Alex a little while after, in elementary, and I decided it best not even to think about the endless story of that.

Attempting to block out their conversation, I noticed Thomas looking at me out of the corner of his eye. Pretending I hadn't noticed, I turned the skewers over the fire, hoping I didn't seem as freaked out as I actually was, and when a Virginian who has a venomous tongue and a stone cold stare is looking at you like that, it's kinda hard not to be slightly disturbed. I waited another five minutes, still flipping those goddamn sausages, but he wasn't frigging looking away. Eventually I left the food and went to talk to him. Calmly.

Smol Fry | Hercules X LafayetteWhere stories live. Discover now