(I'm used to not being noticed though hahahaha.....ha....*cries in a corner)

"Let's go to school," I sigh, grabbing my bag and making my way to the door.


"Hey, Adrien! I was wondering if you wanted to hang out lat-"

"No thanks Lila."

"Hi Adrien!" a random girl greets me.

"Hi," I mutter back.


"That's nice, Chlo."

For some reason, everyone trying to start conversation with me is suddenly the most draining thing ever. Why am I feeling so lifeless today? What's wrong with me?

"Adrien, dude! How's it going?" Nino greets at the entrance of school.

"Hey Nino, everything's fine... What about you?" I half heartedly reply back. Nino is my best friend; why am I not happy to talk to him either?

What made me feel this way today?

"I'm good thanks bro, wanna head to class?" he offers, and I can only bring myself to nod.

We reach the stairs and suddenly I hear a voice. "Adrien, Nino, hi!"

I turn around to see Alya...and Marinette standing next to her, looking down.

She's so cute.

"Hey, Alya...You ready for that insane history test on Monday?" Nino greets her back as Alya begins walking with him, leaving Marinette to walk beside me. A light blush is painted across her cheeks as she looks up at me.

Why is she blushing? I thought she'd stopped being nervous around me.

"H-Hi, Adrien," she timidly smiles, fiddling with her fingers.

My brain tells me to think harder about why she's being so nervous, but something inside of me just completely ignores it and switches and I unconsciously make the decision to focus on something that is a lot more important right now.

Marinette's talking to me.

My bad start to the day is immediately flipped on its side and a wide grin involuntarily spreads across my face. "Hi Marinette, how are you?" I ask, way too excitedly. I'm just so happy to finally be able to speak to her.

It's been over a day since we've spoke. A DAY! Maybe I'm overreacting but I've grown to like her so much that even one day feels like torture.

"H-hi Adrien! Wait I already said that didn't I, hehe...Um I'm good thanks though, I'm good really. I MEAN I'm really good haha. It's been a long time since we last spoke, right? I-I mean only a day so maybe not that long, I don't know. I don't know what I'm talking about and I should probably stop talking; Why am I still talking actually and why am I saying all of this out loud? I'll stop just...I MEAN I'll just stop-"

Her rambling, despite it being incredibly adorable, worries me. "Hey are you okay?" I cut her off, concerned. Maybe I shouldn't get too excited about her talking to me just yet.

"I'm fine. Sorry, I'm-I'm-I don't know," she sighs, frowning. Before I can question her further, we reach the classroom, so without thinking I grab her wrist and pull her away from it.

"I'm worried about you, Marinette. You're acting different. Well similar to how you used to act, really. But how come you're being like this now?" Panic is spread all over her face and it kills me not knowing why.

She gently removes her wrist from my grasp and begins to back away. "Nothing's changed! I-I just-" She trips, startling me as I quickly reach out to help her. But she stops me. "Wow, I'm really clumsy. I'm probably the most clumsy person ever! Way more clumsy than other people in the world, that's for sure! Well, I better be going to class; you should too!" she quickly rushes into the classroom before I can say anything else.

And just like that, I feel empty again.



Hey guys :D

So that was chapter 17 :) I really hope you enjoyed it! To be honest it was a lot of fun to write and not that much went on in it but the next few chapters will have quite a bit of drama!

And we're going to be seeing more of the love square ships too so I hope you're all excited for that :D I've also been working hard on planning the big reveal that's coming very soon so stay tuned ;)

Oh! And btw it was so interesting seeing where you all live in the world! Low key jealous of a lot of you 😂

Anyway I'm rambling so hope you all have an amazing day/night wherever you are 😂



Babysitting • Adrienette •Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora